Chlorine is disappearing!

Youfah - how are you going with your chlorine loss? I have had what sounds like the exact same problem. I did two complete slam processes in a row and now once again I am having big chlorine loss!!! As with you, the pool is crystal clear. For 3-4 years had no trouble, chlorinator set on 40%. Last summer issues started. As with you had cell replaced. But this summer issues came back once again.

I am now about to start what is a third slam within a period of 4 weeks. So I’m very keen to see how you have gone!
Both of you would benefit from writing down both the water test results and chemical additions for others to review. Without details like that, there’s just lots of guessing.
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@Karlosw Wow bizarre.
I am still in the tapering off stage. It's been about 4 days since stopping an orthodox SLAM.
Brought the SWG down to 70% and tested a couple of days ago & chlorine still at SLAM levels. For the 10ml test vial, I needed about 44 drops of titrating agent to go clear, so running around 22ppm chlorine still.
So brought it down further to 50%. Still running at 13 hours.

Haven't tested since a couple of days ago - I want to give it time to taper off. I'll come back in a few days and update.
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Quick update for those following.
Been 1 week since finishing SLAM.
Chlorine shows 25ppm, an increase since last test! Still at SLAM levels (actually exceeding) so clearly still too high at 50% for 13 hours.

Adjusted to 35% for 10 hours. This is pretty close to normal before the whole saga began last November so I am pretty happy with the SLAM and post-SLAM taper.

I think I will declare a win at this point.
You will also see chlorine demand decreasing rapidly now due to sun angle changing and daylight hours reducing. We are approaching the time around the equinox where the rate of change from day to day is fastest. Keep that in mind when interpreting your results and adjusting your SWG.
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