Chlorine Drop Test/ Help


Silver Supporter
Jan 10, 2022
Eagle Lake, Florida
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair iChlor 30
I just got my TFTestKits and just did the chlorine drop test. I got to 9 drops of the R-0871 to get the water clear but after 10 or so seconds it start to turn pink again. Is that normal, or should I keep adding R-0871? I'm in step 4 to test for combined chloramines but it says to add the 5 drops of R-0003 to the NOW CLEAR solution but like I said is turning back to pink a few seconds after it turns clear.
Great. Then I would use the PoolMath APP's Effects of Adding to determine how much stabilizer you need to add to increase the CYA by 40 ppm. Should be around 69 ounces, but use the APP to see so you can get used to it. The ideal CYA for a salt pool is a minimum of 70. You currently show 20, but that's probably slightly off, so increasing by 40 with a goal of about 60 gives you some wiggle room for error. It's always easier to add more later. Use the sock method to add stabilizer. If you don't know about that let us know.

Was your salt indeed only 380, or was that a typo (3,800)? If only 380, how are you testing, or how did you get that number?
We should also address your CH level which would appear to be extremely low. You might want to look at those CH instructions one more time to be sure you did it correctly.


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Great. Then I would use the PoolMath APP's Effects of Adding to determine how much stabilizer you need to add to increase the CYA by 40 ppm. Should be around 69 ounces, but use the APP to see so you can get used to it. The ideal CYA for a salt pool is a minimum of 70. You currently show 20, but that's probably slightly off, so increasing by 40 with a goal of about 60 gives you some wiggle room for error. It's always easier to add more later. Use the sock method to add stabilizer. If you don't know about that let us know.

Was your salt indeed only 380, or was that a typo (3,800)? If only 380, how are you testing, or how did you get that number?
Will the chlorine spike up when adjusting the cya? Should I lower my chlorinator?
Will the chlorine spike up when adjusting the cya? Should I lower my chlorinator?
No. Once you add the stabilizer to increase the CYA to that 60-70 mark, you will need to actively monitor your FC level daily for a while to ensure it remains steady and within the proper range as noted on the FC/CYA Levels. That is how you avoid algae. If you need to increase the FC to remain within range, you can increase the SWG output or increase pump run time, whichever works best for you. FYI - I always keep a gallon or two of liquid chlorine on standby in the laundry room in case a TFP emergency occurs and the FC falls below the minimum and needs a quick increase.

Any word on that CH test?

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