Can't find guide for Opening a quick-set pool?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2014
Eastanollee GA
Pool Size
SWG Type
Intex Krystal Clear
Hi, Last summer was my first year owning a pool. I remember coming across a method for initial set up for vinyl quick-set pools. I have searched, but can't seem to find it again. It was a detailed guide about filling, when and how much bleach to add to start with, etc. Basically, it was a guide for preventive set-up as you are filling the pool.

Can anyone direct me to that info? Thanks!
No. I looked at that. That isn't it. It was something that gave specific steps in filling to prevent a lot of problems to start with. It talked about filling 'x' amount, then adding 'x' amount of bleach, etc. It was a step-by-step method to fill quick set pools in such a manner that headed off the need to SLAM later.
I think that was changed to what was linked to above. It is the same idea. All you need to do to prevent a SLAM is maintain adequate FC and that is done through frequent testing and dosing.
I said, the article was changed ... but if you know the forum better than me, feel free to find it and point it out ;)

If you understand the chemistry, you should not need a step by step guide. And if you do not understand it, then it is better to ask questions and learn.
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