Can a replaster be done DIY


Gold Supporter
Feb 7, 2017
Tulsa, OK
I should probably get my pool replastered in the next 5-7 years, mabye less. Is this something I can start learning about and try to do myself OR is it worth the investment to get a qualified pool contractor?

Also, if it is too much are there parts I can do myself to save money.

Plastering a pool is done by a team of guys all working at the same time. They have a truck full of equipment and pumps.

And even they sometime don't get things right.

If your goal is to just make the shell watertight and you are not all that worried about how it looks, then I suppose you could do one section at a time.

I am a big DIY fan, but it is not something that I would try to do alone.


Jim R.
My pool reno had one guy plastering the whole thing in 1 day. He was clearly experienced (even if he did use a little too much CaCl2 in the mix) but I suspect it's something you could do yourself it you're not too picky about the finished result.
I tend to agree with Jim and Aquaholics. I have been messing around with redoing concrete sections of my deck and even in a small section it is hard to do without at least one person extra to help out. I think I would be very concerned about the quality, consistency, and evenness of the job if I were to do it myself. I think I will just muck around with the top deck and pay to have the replaster done.

My pool is a little like the second pic of Aquaholics. has a sun deck and hot tub, squared corners and a separate fountain (completely useless) I am afraid it would be too much for me to handle.

Thanks for the input.
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