Bugs in salt water pool


Bronze Supporter
Oct 10, 2012
Maricopa, Arizona
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
I had a salt water pool put in last summer so bear with me as I'm still learning on what I need to do to maintain the pool. Right now, I'm seeing some type of "beetle" swimming around in the pool. Is there some way to get rid of these little buggers. :) I've had all the levels checked and all's good on that front. I've had someone tell me to add bleach or some chlorine tabs but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I live near Phoenix, AZ.
Hello aztony,
Welcome to the forum. :wave:

I'm sure this is what you have, so take a look at this thread for a very detailed discussion on them and what can be done to rid yourself of them.
Arrrrggg! Backswimmers

Also, take a look at Pool School, link in my sig below. Do some reading in there and study up on your pool and how to treat it. Being that you own a SWCG/SWG, I would read up on the SWG sections in pool school as well.

Hope that helps, nice to have you here on the forum. :)

Also, please consider adding your location city(or area)/state to your profile as well as your pool information to your signature like mine.

This helps us troubleshoot your pool based on equipment and geographic location, climate, etc...

Here's the link for how to do that.
Please try to keep your sig to 5 lines. Makes for a tidier forum, less 'space' to scroll through on smart phones and such. :)
Adding your location & pool info.
y_not said:
Hello aztony,
Welcome to the forum. :wave:

I'm sure this is what you have, so take a look at this thread for a very detailed discussion on them and what can be done to rid yourself of them.
Arrrrggg! Backswimmers

Also, take a look at Pool School, link in my sig below. Do some reading in there and study up on your pool and how to treat it. Being that you own a SWCG/SWG, I would read up on the SWG sections in pool school as well.

Hope that helps, nice to have you here on the forum. :)

Also, please consider adding your location city(or area)/state to your profile as well as your pool information to your signature like mine.

This helps us troubleshoot your pool based on equipment and geographic location, climate, etc...

Here's the link for how to do that.
Please try to keep your sig to 5 lines. Makes for a tidier forum, less 'space' to scroll through on smart phones and such. :)
Adding your location & pool info.

Thanks for the link to the correct forum. I will certainly check that out plus the pool school. :)
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