Brand new pool!

Jun 5, 2015
Pittsboro, NC
Hello from Schertz TX!

My pool was installed in November, 2014. I have barely swum in it yet, but am looking forward to it.

I live in the area of TX that had the terrible rains a few weeks ago. After the rain (and some draining), there was the slightest amount of green algae on the sides of the pool. I would brush it once a day and that took care of it. I was going to my local pool store for help and they analyzed my water and decided I needed more than $200 in products. I wasn't interested in that, so I started Googling for some help. I found TFP and that looked more like the type of process I had in mind for taking care of my pool.

I purchased the TF100 test kit and just ran through everything after being away from home for 4 days. The pool is clear and clean.

FC - 4.5
CC - 0.5
PH - 7.5
TA - 80
CH 100
CYA - 70 or 80 (The test from the pool store last week was 80)

These figures don't really match up with the numbers that you're expounding to be ideal, so I need to know what to do now.

Thanks everyone! :grin:
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:wave: Welcome to TFP!!!

Well, to me those numbers look pretty good.

The pH and TA are fine.
The CH is questionable ... it really should not matter for a fiberglass pool, but might be safe to bump it up to 200ppm.
The CYA is a little high (how are you chlorinating?)
The FC is a little low for your higher CYA (see the FC/CYA Chart)

Right away I would raise your FC level up to keep it above the minimum listed for your CYA in the chart.
Then I would look into raising the CH some to be safe.

Have you discovered Pool School yet? Start with these:
ABCs of Water Chemistry
Recommended Pool Chemicals
How to Chlorinate Your Pool
Thanks for the quick reply - excuse me if there are two replies, I typed one out and clicked Post, but nothing is there.

I have a 5 lb. jug of Calcium Hardness from Clorox. Will that do for increasing the CH?
CYA - I also have an inline chlorinator (set to 3) that uses the 3" pucks. After reading the Recommended Pool Chemicals, it looks like I don't need to use the tablets/pucks? Will my CYA go down if I stop using them?
CYA cont. - I also put a gallon of 10% chlorine in the pool on May 30 to get rid of my small amount of algae.

So I need to raise my FC, but also my CH. What order do I follow, can I do them both at the same time? How much liquid chlorine should I add this time?

Yes that will work to raise CH.
CYA will not really drop unless you physically remove water ... the tablets are why it got so high.
Since you saw algae ... and no way 1 gallon of bleach would have truly removed it ... you probably should follow the ShockLevelAndMAINTAIN Process

Use PoolMath to calculate your chemical additions to reach your desired targets.

The FC is the most important, I would do that, wait 30 minutes and then add some CH.

Although then you should lower the pH and start to SLAM.
Couple more questions -

1. I thought my pH was OK, but you say to lower it. I know I will get false high readings of pH after SLAM though. How long do you wait after SLAM to know if they really are false readings?
2. Should I stop using the Chlorinating Pucks? Will rain and the subsequent small amounts of draining each time, eventually lower the CYA if I no longer use the tablets/pucks?

So, to recap:
A. Lower pH from 7.5 to ______
B. Add Chlorine according to Pool Math to SLAM pool
C. 30 minutes after SLAM, add Calcium Hardness product.

Thanks so much!
Hey neighbor! :wave: Right up the road from you by Marion. PM me if you need some local help. I work at Randolph. Anyways, to help answer your questions:
1. 7.2 best to initiate SLAM
2. Yes, but also refer to the Chlorine/CYA Chart (link below) for exact SLAM FC numbers for your FB pool (keep it there)
3. You can add the CH product 30 min after pouring in the initial bleach as recommended above by jblizzle, but remember the SLAM will take days. Exactly how long depends on the severity of your algae and how consistent you are at keeping the FC at that "SLAM level".

Let us know if you have any more questions.

- - - Updated - - -

PS ~ During SLAM, continue to brush, clean filter, and leave pump running 24/7.
Thanks Marion neighbor! I may take you up on your offer!

I don't have any algae right now, so do I really need to SLAM, or are you all saying I'm just not seeing the algae; I really didn't get rid of it last time and it will be back soon?

Also, should I quit using the pucks?
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I based that algae comment on your opening statement about green on the sides of your pool after all the rain. When in doubt, hit it with the SLAM to be sure otherwise it will come back. Once you kill it and pass the 3 SLAM requirements, you will be good. After that, you just need to always stay above your minimum FC level on a regular day.

As for the CYA, now that you have TF-100 you can verify. When you are between 30-50, stop the pucks. Don't ever use those again unless you are in a pinch (i.e. going out of town with no one to put bleach in the pool for you). Pucks (along wit those bags of shock for the stores) raise your CYA quickly.
I don't have any algae right now, so do I really need to SLAM, or are you all saying I'm just not seeing the algae; I really didn't get rid of it last time and it will be back soon?

Also, should I quit using the pucks?

You are correct. It is best to so a SLAM for a couple/few days to make sure it is OUT!

Your CYA will do down SLOWLY with rain drains and top offs BUT it will be VERY slow. The higher your CYA the more chlorine you will need for the SLAM and for daily "feeding" of your pool.

Take your pucks out of the feeder to be on the safe side. I know you turned it to zero but......go ahead and take them out.

OK - thanks all. I think you have gotten through my thick skull and I get the concept now.

I will be removing the pucks, lowering my pH (then wait 4 hours), adding chlorine according to the Pool Math calculator to raise it up to SLAM level with my 80 CYA, and 30 mins. later adding the Calcium Hardness.

During all this, when can swimming occur/not occur?


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Ann, from another such post .. "You can swim any time you like in FC values up to shock level." Once you get to/over SLAM FC, it may be a bit strong (skin and eyes) and certainly can fade your swimwear. As for the 4-hr comment ... that sounds just like our local pool store. :) No need to wait that long. One hour at most between adding the acid (to lower PH) and starting your SLAM should be fine wit good circulation.

Hope this help. V/r ~ Pat
Ann, from another such post .. "You can swim any time you like in FC values up to shock level." Once you get to/over SLAM FC, it may be a bit strong (skin and eyes) and certainly can fade your swimwear. As for the 4-hr comment ... that sounds just like our local pool store. :) No need to wait that long. One hour at most between adding the acid (to lower PH) and starting your SLAM should be fine wit good circulation.

Hope this help. V/r ~ Pat

Great! And yes, that's where I got the 4 hour thing from, the pool store.

Thanks so much!
:eek:I did the pool math and it told me to add 4.2 gallons of 8.25% bleach to get to 31 FC. I did and tested about 45 minutes after adding and now my FC is at 44.5. I'm using my brand new TF 100 kit with the speed stirrer.

I also have the Calcium Hardness product from Clorox to add. The Pool Math calculator said to add 16 pounds. I sprinkled 5 lbs on the surface of the deep end about 45 minutes after adding the bleach. Do I really need to wait 6 hours before I add the next bottle (that's what the label says).

Thanks again all!

There is no logical reason I can think of for waiting 6 hours.

Odd that you overshot the FC so far. Maybe the bleach is strong, or the pools is smaller than you think, or PoolMath error, or testing error, or a combination ;)
So here's some interesting stats (and I went to the pool store to verify that I wasn't nuts) -

Today, my tests show

FC - 23.5
CC - 0.5
PH - 7.8
TA - 70
CH 350
CYA - 50

(as opposed to yesterday:

FC - 4.5
CC - 0.5
PH - 7.5
TA - 80
CH 100
CYA - 70 or 80)

The pool store verified that my CYA did go down to 40 on their test. I have my results from 5/28/15 at the pool store that show my CYA at 80 according to them.

Nope - I didn't drain my pool and add new water overnight. Something in the formula of what I added (muriatic acid to raise pH, bleach to SLAM, and Calcium Hardness to raise CH) worked together to lower my CYA.

So now, my FC is at 23.5.

I will test it after sunset to see what it is at and then again tomorrow morning. For now, I am still above my shock level for a CYA of 50. So I should go off that, I imagine?

Thanks for staying tuned to the drama!

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