BJs Brand Calcium Chloride

Jun 23, 2017
Sparta, NJ
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Since it's winter and all the hardware stores have ice melt, I figured I should stock up on Calcium Chloride rather than buying it in tiny pool store containers and high cost next summer. I saw that BJs warehouse club has their own brand of Calcium Chloride ice melt (50lbs for $20), but the contents aren't listed on the outside of the container or on their website - I suspect the SDS sheet is inside the tub. Due to our dogs we buy the "pet safe" ice melt so I don't want to buy a 50lb tub of Calcium Chloride if it's got all sorts of extras in it that would prevent me from putting it in the pool or on the driveway - does anyone know whether the BJs Calcium Chloride is pure enough to put in a pool?
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