Best pressure gauge?


LifeTime Supporter
Dec 15, 2014
Riverside California
The pressure gauge on my <6 months old Pentair Quad DE 60 seems to have already clogged up. I have to tap it to get it to go back to zero and tap it again to register pressure. My last filter cleaning started off at 11 Lbs about 4 months ago and has not increased. I tapped the gauge today and the pressure jumped up to 18 lbs. Clearly cleaning time and I did not know it. My question is, what pressure gauge do you folks recommend. I will not replace with another Pentair. Garbage in my mind.

Re: Best pressure switch?

Yeah, that is really annoying for a fairly new gauge. My pool water is crystal clear, so what is plugging the gauge? My CH is very high due to the high mineral content of my water provider, that could have something to do with it. I did now order a new glycerin filled one from TFP test kits. I assume that the threads are the same as mine. It just gets me that within 6 Months I have to replace the gauge.
Re: Best pressure switch?

That is annoying.

Check first when you remove your old gauge but the threads should be identical.

just put some teflon tape on the new gauge and it should go right in. then gently hand tighten it.
Re: Best pressure switch?

Have you tried calling Pentair? If the filter is under 1 year old than that defective gauge should be covered under their standard product warranty. They may ask you to try a few corrective steps but, at the end of the day, they should replace it. I realize a new gauge is only ~$20 but it's the principle.

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I have the original Pentair gauge (OEM) on my QuadDE100 and it's worked fine for years. I suspect, like a lot of things built nowadays, this was just a random defective part that made its way into production. I can't see them giving you much hassle on what amounts to a $15-$20 part. If it were me, I would call them on it but if you prefer to just buy a new one, that's ok too.

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After looking at the glycerin filled one from TFP test kits, it appears to be a much better gauge than the OEM one. I like that is goes from 0-30 Lbs instead of 0-60 Lbs like the OEM one, lots better resolution. Being glycerin filled also would help the stability. So I will be upgrading to this one.
You wont be sorry for upgrading to the TFtestkit gauge. I have one. What surprised me most about it, is the build quality and finish of it. The pics dont do it justice. If I didnt know better, I would swear the price for it would be 50 dollars or more.

After looking at the glycerin filled one from TFP test kits, it appears to be a much better gauge than the OEM one. I like that is goes from 0-30 Lbs instead of 0-60 Lbs like the OEM one, lots better resolution. Being glycerin filled also would help the stability. So I will be upgrading to this one.

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