Be careful!

That tragedy is a warning for all those who have indoor pools.
Was waiting for someone to post this. I'm sure the mineral system salespeople have already printed up the articles for their pitches. :rolleyes:

The issue was not chlorine by itself. The issue is the guy knocked over Scale Kleen, which is a mixture of phosphoric and nitric acids, on to a floor recently cleaned with chlorine. Acid plus chlorine equals chlorine gas, and I'm not a chemist (so if one corrects me, I defer to them) but I do believe the phosphoric acid would combine to create phosphorus trichloride which is even more dangerous. Put that all in an enclosed space and you have a death trap.

This is why TFP reminds you to be careful around acids and never dose chlorine and acid at the same time. Don't mix any chemicals ever. Don't try diluting chlorine or acid in a bucket, just add it straight to the pool. All that said though, the risks are insanely low. These same chemicals are used in kitchens around the country and this one time made national news, that should give you an idea just how often it comes up. Add being outside or in a ventilated indoor pool room to the mix and it is almost not worth thinking about. Infinitely more people drown in pools than die from chlorine gas exposure...
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