Backwash->Rinse Question


New member
May 1, 2024
north carolina
rookie leaguer here.... first time having a real setup..... we had a Intex pool in the past and used whatever pump/filter came with that.

bigger pool now... and current setup is 3/4 HP pump with Hayward s200 filter... I feel like i've moved into a different league all together and still wrapping my head around it.

Question..... after I backwash and switch to Rinse.. should water still come out of the backwash hose? For some reason I was thinking the rinse was internal and just resettled the sand..... but when I switch to rinse waster still comes out like it's backwashing. On my old intex setup I don't remember water coming out of backwash hose during rinse.
should water still come out of the backwash hose?
Yes, but it's just rinsing the system before you go back to filter in hopes you don't blow junk back to the pool when you go back to filter. A couple tips:
1 - Make sure the pump is OFF whenever you change MPV selections.
2 - For RINSE, do it until the sight glass and/or waste hose runs clear, then give it maybe another 30 seconds.

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