Back to tablets

Jun 23, 2017
Sparta, NJ
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
We've had a terrible summer in NJ. It was incredibly hot the last week in June, then ok the week of July 4th, and then we've not had more than 2 dry days in a row since (we sanded our deck in late June but are still waiting for it to be dry enough to stain it). Due to this I've not been able to keep stabiliser in the pool - I think there's so much water going in (and draining out through our overflow) that it's constantly getting diluted. We've had so much rain that for 4 days at the end of July we actually had a stream flowing through our backyard as the ground water levels had risen and it was just flowing out of the ground!

Since there's only a month or so left of our pool season, I'm going back to tablets for the rest of the time. Given that I've put about 30lbs of CYA in the pool since the beginning of June and when I tested yesterday my CYA was at 20, I think I should be fine - and using the tablets to add both chlorine and stabiliser is probably the cheaper option at this point. Having said that, other than the usual testing to make sure my CYA levels don't suddenly shoot up, is there anything I should watch out for?

Pool ownership has certainly seemed like an expensive hobby with no great reward this summer :(
I've got six gallons of "liquid shock" (12.5% chlorine) left, so I'll be using that to supplement if my CYA ever reaches a point where I need to worry about my FC needing to be higher. And thanks for the heads-up about the pH, mknauss - my pH is one of the few things that's been in line all summer, so I'll look forward to keeping that under control...
It's totally ok to use tablets, as long as you're watching the CYA and pH and adjusting accordingly! TFP isn't about "NEVER use this", but more about understanding the effects that different chemicals have on the pool and how to keep those effects from becoming a problem.

Make sure to put them into a floater (or use the inline chlorinator if you have one) - don't put them in the skimmer.
One other thing I realized about this odd summer is that, after the initial daily backwash when I was trying to get the algae out of the pool after opening, I've not had to backwash my filter since Memorial Day. The pool filter pressure has been holding steady this whole time and the pool has been nice and clear. I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not - is it something that I should do as routine maintenance even if all the other signs say not to bother?
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