So based on our high evap rates here in AZ and our fill water CH of 175-200 our pool water CH has crept up to from 300 to 500 in about a year. My course of action this season has been to run a lower PH and TA to keep the CSI as close to zero as possible. At what point do I need to worry about draining to get the CH down? Rumor is our water rates may go up by the first of the year so I may need to do a drain/fill before that happens anyway. What say the pros?
Current numbers are
FC target 8-9
CC 0
PH 7.2-7.7(I hit it with MA at 7.6-7.7
TA 80-100
CH 500
CYA 60
Water temp 90
ambient day time temps of 115-120*
Current numbers are
FC target 8-9
CC 0
PH 7.2-7.7(I hit it with MA at 7.6-7.7
TA 80-100
CH 500
CYA 60
Water temp 90
ambient day time temps of 115-120*