Ascorbic Acid Treatment

I am right there with you!!! This is hard. I have done multiple AA treatments this summer and pool is good for a few days then it goes crazy. I am wondering if I have "chlorine lock" (I know that is not PC term here) since my CYA is off the charts and my FC will not stay up. Last ditch effort, I guess I will draining lots of water and adding new which will add more iron unless the iron is from all the shock, etc that has been used in the last 5 years. IDK!!!
Very frustrating indeed. Sorry to hear you've had to go through this as well. Things had been going great until around day 13. FC is now at 15, no change in cloudiness. Can see bottom drain slightly.
Another 3 hours later, FC has dropped to 11.5 Cloudiness has not improved much, perhaps ever so slightly, but hard to tell as the pool is now in full sun so looks better than this morning. Thoughts?
Fair enough, figured as much but wanted to report in on the progress. Looks like FC held for awhile (several hours) above target at 15, and then dropped to 11.5 at my last reading around 7:30 PM. As I need to be in the office today, what do you recommend I do before leaving for work (i.e. what level to shoot for)? Thanks!
Update: can home to FC @ 10.5, so added bleach to bring to 13-14 range, as water clarity had not improved much during the day.

11.5 this morning and clarity has finally taken a turn for the better. As I'm now in target range, should I just stay the course or continue to add to raise 3-4 ppm?

Here are this morning's labs:
Ph 7.5
FC 11.5
CC .00
TA 120
CYA 80
CH 275

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Hi. Yes, I'm hoping it is! Will do on the 13-14 range for today.

Thanks for the tip on the Ph. Admittedly, I have been making sure it doesn't climb above 7.4-7.5 with a little muriatic acid.....should I not?

Again greatly appreciate all your help along this journey.
You're welcome! Yes, you need to keep on 7.4-7.5. Try to base it on pH tests when FC is 10 or lower. Or if it is a little higher, 12-13, read the pH test quickly before the FC interferes with the color.
Hi. So, still struggling with FC daily and going through a LOT of bleach, some days 130 oz, which is getting VERY costly and a pace I can't keep up with.

My new concern is that when testing CYA today, it has climbed a lot!! It's 100+. I have not used tri-chlor, only bleach, for well over a month. There has been plenty of splash out and nearly all fill water over that time has been via rain. How is it that my CYA has significantly increased?? :brickwall::confused:

Also, today as I was rinsing out my TF-100 kit, the sticker on the CYA bottle came off. As the sticker is placed for measurement, how do I go about figuring out where that 'line' is now for pool water sample?
It is a 50/50 ratio, the TF-100 uses 15 ml pool water and 15 ml R-0013 and the Taylor K-2006 uses 7 ml of each. More here, Pool School - CYA test.

Is the CYA test cloudy and the dot disappears immediately with the sample at the bottom of the tube or is it clear to the top of the tube? If the sample is clear and not cloudy then there is no CYA in the pool which would also explain why the FC loss is high.
Thanks for letting me know on those measurements. I will mark the bottle with a sharpie!

Unfortunately, the CYA mix is cloudy and barely fills the tube before I lose sight of the black dot. Very confused on this test and how my CYA could have gotten so much worse recently.
Yes, the cloudy water could be some algae growing from low FC. Keep FC above minimum.

What he said. I did an AA treatment a few weeks ago and now have a algae problem. SWG could never catch up, added some bleach still no dice. On day 3 of my second attempt at a SLAM. (First one forgot to turn off SWG so I thought I was done because < 1 ppm loss). I'm now a total of 7 days of no pool use in last 3 weeks and probably have 3 more days until this SLAM is done.

For what? A whiter bottom and walls and 10 of the 90 swimming days with a closed pool.

Frankly, I'm probably never going to do a AA treatment again. If I do it's gonna be right at opening or closing.

As I saw a reply. "Is you pool for swimming or for looking at?"
Hi. Sorry, not following your last post, how does this relate to figuring out why my CYA reading has gone up? I have been diligently keeping my FC above minimum and close or at target. But it's been difficult holding at target, and given that our CYA is so high (and just spiked even higher for some unknown reason), pool is still guzzling bleach.

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