Are My Levels Safe For Swimming?

I have a question is it ok to swim with levels as follows...
FC 20
TC 20
CC 0
PH 7.4
TA 86
So if I go off of what the cya is supposed to be bc of what i put in yesterday 3.5 lbs....and have read that it can take a week to get up to correct levels (added cya in sock in front of return) so do i just assume that my level is 40 and all is good?
The cya becomes readable on the test very soon after it is out of the sock. I was able to get many pounds dissolved by massaging the sock a lot over the course of a day and was able to get an accurate cya reading the next day.

Why is your FC so high anyways?
It is safe to swim when
FC is above minimum and up to shock level for your CYA, [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]
PH is between 7.2 and 7.8 (most oh tests are not accurate when FC is above 10 ppm)
The water is clear
20 is too high for swimming even if your CYA really is 40.
Yes, shock level for CYA 40 would be 16. We generally recomend that no swimming occur above shock level. But, with that being said it is really not unhealthy, but it is harsh on bathing suits. The higher the FC in relationship to the CYA the more you will find bleaching in cloth items (and vinyl liners of pools) and damage to the elastic in the suits.

Once it drops below 16 it should be fine.
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