Anyone know if parts are available for Polaris 9350 cleaner?

Apr 16, 2015
A couple of weeks ago we had a number of quick power outages. You know the kind, off, then on in very quick succession. Unfortunately our 9350 was still plugged in when this happened. Now it does not work.

I took the control unit apart because I know (from experience) there is a fuse on the "power" board (supplies 28V D.C. to the logic board). Unfortunately, the fuse was fine, i.e., not blown. I had another power-board from our original 9300 that was good, so I swapped it out. Now the 9350 will power up, will allow me to choose a cycle but shortly after, the "i" light starts blinking slowly and the motor/cleaner does not move.

I called Polaris support. Let's just say that calling it technical support would be a joke. While the gentleman was quite polite, his only suggestion was to bring it to the local Leslie's (closest pool store) so they could diagnose. I asked if they sold parts, and the answer was no, you have to get it from the dealer.

Hauled to Leslie's who confirmed that the motor/cleaner and cable are fine. He also confirmed that the control unit is malfunctioning. (DUH!!!) I told him the power supply was fine but all he could tell me is that the diagnostic box he plugged into said the control unit was kaput. Asked if I could order/purchase a logic board. Nope. But he would be happy to sell me a new control unit for about $400.

SO, does anyone know of a place that can sell me just the logic board for this paper-weight? And does anyone know of a place that could repair the power-supply board? (So I could have a spare)
All I can find is the control unit. If you open it up you may be able to find some details on the control board itself, but I don't know if you will be able to identify a specific replacement. You can try talking to customer service at Inyo They are pretty good at hunting down parts if they are available.
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