Any reason to get a variable speed for a spa pump?


Gold Supporter
Feb 7, 2017
Tulsa, OK
I have a pool with a spa in the corner that spills over into the pool. My pump is pretty old and I probably need a new one soon. I have a variable speed for my pool but a single speed 1 1/h hp motor.

Should i just get another single speed or is there any value in getting a variable speed for that too. I kind of like the timers so in cold weather I can cycle it really slow.

Depends on your plumbing. Does your main pool pump control the spillover for the spa and the filtering for the spa water? If so, then you only use your spa pump when you want to use your spa. I would think you would not need a VS pump for this on/off feature. No point in the expense for a pump used at 100% on demand.

My spillover spa pump is used to circulate the spa and cause the spillover effect. I run this pump several hours daily and have opted to use a VS pump to allow me to control the amount of spillover and reduce my energy consumption while still getting adequate turnover in the spa.
Yes, my main VS pump controls the spillover. I run the pool pump and if I want to pump water into the spa for the spillover, because my wife and I like the sound, then I just open a valve to the spa. The spa pump is only used when I heat up the spa (because when the spillover is running I am of course not heating it bc I don't want to heat the whole pool) or when it is freezing outside. That is really my only thought for getting a VS is so that during the winter I don't have to monitor it as much. If I am going to have a week of low temps at night I can just set a timer.

However, based on cost of a VS pump it is probably cheaper to replace with a single speed and then put a freeze detector on it or something.
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