Another CYA Question

Sheesh, Richard, can you make my day again? I don't need any intestinal problems nor ithces, especially while paying to have them.

Anyone close to South Carolina like to have two quarts of PolyQuat 60 C-H-E-A-P? Although a rarity in residential pools, I'd be the exception.:cry:
Didn't mean to worry you. I can't find a single case of cysts in a residential pool. It's usually found in an occasional commercial pool since someone has to introduce the bug into the water in order for it to get there. It's less common today since commercial pools often supplement with ozone or UV systems. Unless you have pool parties with people who are already sick (and they'd know it with these intestinal bugs), you've got virtually zero risk for the protozoa. As for hot tub itch, most people are not susceptible/sensitive to this bacteria and it tends to flourish more in hot tubs since it particularly likes the warmer water. It takes a little less than shock levels of chlorine (0.25 ppm disinfecting chlorine) to kill this bug, but again it's very unlikely for this to be in your pool and quite frankly if it were there, it would have been there even at your higher chlorine level so don't worry about it -- if you ever shocked your pool you probably got rid of it.

LOL I am waiting for an order of PolyQuat 60 to come in to make sure that I do not get algae while slowly raising the chlorine level to prevent metal fall out. Hang on to it, with the way our luck is running you may need it before the year is over.
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