An "O" ring question for a pre filter


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
Roseville, CA
My pre filter on my Hayward pump keeps sucking air.

I've got the lid pretty tight and use silicon/Teflon pool gasket lube but it still leaks a bit. In fact, often when I shut it off back pressure squirts some out the lid. (I also have roof solar).

I can't really hand tighten it any more than it is because a pipe is in the way, and I use that special wrench to take the lid off. I'd like a better gasket.

Sooo.... I'm thinking of buying a fatter "O" ring on Amazon or somewhere. On a site I visited, an O ring was described as: 7.8 x 5.8 x 0.2 inches. Is the first number a measurement of the span over two pegs for example? (I need to mic mine to get the right dimensions). And what hardness should I be looking for? (AKA durometer) and what material should I look for that is compatible? I'd hate for it to break down and glue my lid shut! :eek:

Thanks in advance
What are you calling the pre-filter? The pump strainer basket? If so, DO NOT tighten it anymore. It does not rely on mechanical tightness to hold it in relies on suction.

Make absolutely sure that's where your leak is (check the drain plugs on the bottom) and if that's where it is, buy a new gasket, put it on and report back.

Do not tighten it other than hand tight.
I just get the feeling that a fatter O ring would do a better job.
Of course, the manufacturer will design the 0-ring to fit the space correctly. Is it possible the incorrect 0-ring is in there?

Regardless, if you KNOW the leak is there, the correct 0-ring will likely fix it.
The old filter was ~ 18 - 20 psi when clogged, no solar water panels enabled. The new filter runs ~ 7 - 10 psi without the solar water panels enabled.

It seems odd to me that pressure forward of the pump would create more suction aft of the pump.. Hmmm... either way a few bubbles are not a big deal, just an annoyance.
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