Ammonia Smell Mystery


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2016
Wimberley, TX
Pool has been running good with no issues all summer. I've been able to stay on top of things on a daily basis and have had consistent numbers all summer long.

FC - Running at 3 to 4
CC - Been 0 all summer
PH - 7.4
TA - 80
CYA - 50

My standard procedure is to run the pool during the summer months on the Liquidator and will switch over to pucks when the CYA gets low.

This week I came out of the house in the morning and the smell of Ammonia / Acid was very strong, and not the smell of Chloramines. This was very different. I usually check my numbers in the evening, but smelling this I got out the test kit. I expected to see my CC numbers up, but everything was in check and CC number was zero. I have some Ammonia test strips and checked the water, but the strips didn't indicate anything.

So I decided to backwash the pool. I brushed, vacuumed and backwashed the pool. I recharged the filter and and ran the FC numbers up to 10 and left the pump run overnight. Checking this AM, the FC was at 9.5 and CC still at zero and the smell is now gone. I added a little more bleach to bring the FC up a little more and will run the filter all day.

Anyone ever see this happen where the numbers all look good but have strong odor coming from the water? I will add that the smell was so strong that you could not be outside near the pool as it was overpowering.

Sounds like it was nothing at all. Was someone using some chemicals nearby that may have travelled on the breeze? Ammonia can not form in a chlorinated swimming pool when the FC is above zero. The two chemicals simply neutralize one another. Since you had no CC readings, it must have been external to the pool. Do you keep keep muriatic acid near the pool or any other chemicals? Was a cap or a lid off?

Sounds like you have nothing to worry about.
We live on ranch with no neighbors anywhere close. The smell was definitely from the water. You could cup water in your hand and smell it. I let the pool go all day yesterday before doing the backwash and adding more bleach and the smell persisted all day.
Very strange indeed. Definitely not ammonia though - your FC would have bottomed out to zero, you would have detected it with your test strip and then it would have taken huge amounts of chlorine to neutralize it.

I guess just chalk it up to a random event.
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