Algae or DE?

Apr 27, 2016
San Antonio, TX
I have been battling mustard algae for about a month now. We've had a lot of rain which has not helped. Rain finally stopped last week so I hit it full force, SLAMing, daily vacuum and brushing, and the mustard algae shock level.

I have a Waterway Clearwater II DE filter. It has no backwash on it. The only way to clean the algae out is to take the filter apart and clean the grids, which I have done 3 times in the past 2 weeks.

So, 3 days ago I vacuumed the pool, brushed the sides and then shut the filter off until my husband could clean it the next morning, about 18 hours. During this time, the pool remained completely clear, nothing on the sides or bottom. Hubs changed out the DE again and cleaned the grids. A few hours after starting it back up, there was stuff in the bottom of the pool again. Nothing on the sides. Now I'm wondering if this is actually algae or de or what. It has white but a bit of an orange look at the edges.

No longer running Intex SWG, using Taylor big test kit now.
Vacuum that stuff up and see if it returns. If things got messy when dismantling the filter, DE could have gotten down into the clean side of the plumbing and made its way to the pool. That's why I have learned to leave the grids in place when I blast 'em with the hose.

An Overnight Chlorine Loss Test will also tell you if it's algae or not. That much debris will most definitely suck up a lot of FC if it's algae.
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