Air in new VS pump


Silver Supporter
May 28, 2015
Troy, Ohio
Pool Size
We just a got a new VS pump to replace our old single speed that died. I have NO experience with a VS pump. I've tried to start it at different speeds but I still have a lot of air in the pump basket. It seems to be working well besides that issue (no air coming out of the returns). Our sand filter doesn't have a air bleed valve. Ideas and opinions?

Bonus question 😂: Where could I find info about how many RPMs are appropriate for my pool & what kind of schedule to run my pump on?

Thanks so much!
As for rpms, you can run it on low (about 1200 rpms or so) just about all the time just to keep surface debris going to the skimmer. Usually good to rev it up once or twice a day for a few minutes just to purge any air that may get trapped under the lid. You might also have a routine for increased rpm when adding chemicals or cleaning. But take advantage of the low rpms as much as you can to save energy costs.
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Sorry about the delay in getting back to this post. Well, you know... life was happening!

Everything has been lubed. I understand that at low RPMs an air bubble is common but this has a LOT of air in it. I'm guessing like an inch or 1.5" down, even when it's on 2600 RMPs. There are no bubbles coming out of the return jets. It's a new install we did ourselves and I'm not sure what else to trouble shoot. I can try to get pics or a video if that would help.

Also, I'm concerned about running it on max RPMs since it's a 3HP pump and I have 1.5" lines. Also, I'm not sure how to read the filter label to see how much my filter can handle. I just don't want to blow anything up! :oops:

I appreciate any help or opinions!
was there air in the old pump basket? If not then it is the new connections leaking air into the new pump.. Show us a picture of the pipe and connections used to install the new pump :)
Our old single speed ran with a TINY bit of air in the pump basket. We also used to have air coming out of the return jets that got better as the season went on.

Now we have no air coming out of the return jets. 🤷‍♀️

Let me know if additional pictures would be helpful. Thank you!!
I almost guarantee your air is coming from 1 of the 4 yellow arrows, or all of them..


1. I think you said you lubed the seal but try forcing water under the lid and see if the air goes away..

Those look to be 1.5 inch into the pump.. I would change out to High temp unions..

If it is 3 or 4 sucking air I think you can use this and it will seal it.. :)

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