Advice please! Can’t maintain FC level or pass overnight test.

Thanks for the info on the covers, I will keep that in mind going forward. Would this be because when you roll them up the exterior face touches the interior and there is cross-contamination?

I stayed on things over the weekend and it appears I have passed the slamm.

I have posted my results below. Now that I am done I would like to deal with the TA and PH. Do I need the FC levels to go down to maintenance levels before or can I do this now? To get my FC level down can I start using the pool at the FC level now until my FC gets down to the maint level? I feel the only other way is Justin leaving it open.

May 26 @630am
FC 18
Add 3L LC

May 26@7:30
FC 21

May 26@1pm
FC 21
Cleaned pool

May 26@630pm
Fc 19

May 26 @ 12:30am
FC 19

May 26@1:45am
Pass Overnight

May 27 @8:30
Cc 0

May 27@12:30
FC 19

May 27@345
Fc 19

May 27@1130pm

May 28@8am
pass overnight (0ppm)

May 28@12pm
Fc 18.5
CC 0
PH 7.8
TA 160
I wish I had your pool cover since it keeps your FC in. I lose a lot during the day. Which cover do you have, if you don't mind sharing that information?

I see that you have 110,000 liters listed in your signature. Where is Regina? Could where you live play a role in the problem? What I mean is that maintaining pools in Florida is different than pools in Canada. I am grasping at straws...

Regina is located in Saskatchewan - Central Canada.

the pool cover name is Safe-T cover II. We have had it for 10 plus years. It is track mounted and powered by hydraulics. Definitely a good investment.
Your pH test is not valid with FC above 10.

Keep our pH in the 7's. No need to work on TA. As you add acid to manage pH into the 7's it will manage the TA. Unless you are concerned with calcium scaling and have high CH water.
Just following up from my last post. Since then I have just been monitoring the levels as they have come down from completing Slamm. We have not used the pool and it has remained with the cover on during the day. Is it normal to see the FC loss based on the results below? I was expecting it to be much lower but for example, from May 31 to June 1 I lost 2ppm. This is without any exposure to sun or bathing. On the otherside, I have passed the overnight. The only thing it could be from is from the cover, as previously pointed out in this thread. Do you agree? Any suggestions going forward? I plan on letting the FC go down to maintenance levels and try to maintain it from there. I expected my FC loss per day would be much less. Can anyone verify what their normal FC loss is per day with a automatic vinyl cover? Also, what is recommended for CYA level for a pool that is subject to sun exposure when open? My CYA is 40 (can’t see the black dot just a bit higher from the 30 mark). How much PPM of FC do you lose from sun ? Approx how much per swimmer? Thank you

May 29@6pm
FC 18.5

May 29@10pm
Vacuumed pool
FC 16 to

May 30 @8am
FC 16

May 30 @1pm
FC 16
CC 0

May 30@9pm
Fc 15

May 31 @ 9pm
Fc 14.5

June 1 @ 9pm
Fc 12.5
Cc 0
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