Added algacide/flocculant to a no waste vac system

Jul 9, 2013
Del Rio, Texas
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Ok so I'm fighting a couple of things. I've got what I assume is black algae that is growing in the little scratched and pits in the bottom of the pool.

I scrubbed the spots with a wire brush. Cl at 31, I had to go work. Told wife to buy the cal hypo shock granules to sprinkle on the affected areas. Well she ended up getting some combo box by hth Green to blue advanced algacide shock system. Well this orange chemical was poured in. I'm not sure what it is. I think it's a flocculant. I have a cartridge filter and I don't have a vac to waste setup.

What should I do?
Also my cya is 80-100 so I I was thinking I might have to drain the water anyway.
Drain your pool and put in new filter cartridges.

How will you drain the pool?

What should I do?
That G-2-B does contain a flocculant product as one of its ingredients. With that elevated CYA you do indeed need to exchange some water, so that might help. Have you considered the option of using a supplemental pump, like a sump or something, and connect a hose to pump the floc sediment junk off of the pool floor to waste? From there, and due to algae present, you need to continue with a regular SLAM Process. In time the elevated chlorine should help to breakdown residual floc. Removing any floc from the cartridge is another matter and may be to late. If chlorine and a good TSP cleaning doesn't work, you'll need a new cartridge for the filter. If water is cheap and you wish to just do a massive drain to start over, that's another option. Just be careful about the pool shell stability.
The pump is off and no flocc has been ran through the filter.

I have a recirc option. I think it might be an option to install a 3 way valve on the return so I can turn the filter off , then clost the returns and vac to waste.
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Success! I installed a 3 port valve and put in a a waste option. Vacced out all the sludge, let it settle and vacced again. I also learned that my recirc option just goes to one return jet so I put a water fountain on there so I raise PH. Got my TA to 160. Trying to lower PH now and balance chemicals.

I am also going to try and metal scrub the little black spots in the pits and scratches, then hit it with a chlorine puck.
Is there a more accurate way to measure ph then the little red dropper kit and color match?

FC 22
CC 0
PH 8.0
TA 160
CA 625
Is there a more accurate way to measure ph then the little red dropper kit and color match?
With an FC that high for SLAM level, not really. I wouldn't worry about the pH until you're done with everything. Congrats on the waste vacuuming. :goodjob:
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