Add WiFi to Pentair Protocol adapter for peanuts.

Jan 18, 2016
Tucson, AZ
Follow another post of mine and you'll hear about me frying my Pentair ScreenLogic Wireless interface. After pricing a new one at $150-$200 I decided to come up with a cheaper solution. I moved the protocol adapter inside the easytouch panel and bought a wireless bridge for under $20. Everything mounted inside the panel and now the Protocol adapter is on my LAN just as it was prior.
Here's what I used.

Hope this helps someone.
I have been looking at the over priced relabeled WIFI bridges that come with pool equipment and wondering what you just did.

Great hack!
Fantastic find! Thanks so much for posting this. I think there's a similar deal for the wireless bridge in the Intellicenter that's less than half price. One of these days I'll try to sneak one from ebay when Sr. Management isn't looking and see if it works. These things seem to be very vulnerable to Florida lightning.

Really glad to see this thread. I just ordered one of these adapters and an AC to USB power port that I can chop the end of off and wire-up inside the IntelliCenter cabinet. My only concern will be how much signal loss I get from the metal IntelliCenter cabinet. I have had nothing but problems with ScreenLogic interface... first I had it hard wired via underground conduit RS-485 and lightning fried both ends... bought another and this time got the wireless kit, but it has always been unreliable... now not working at all and Pentair diagnosis is buy another pair of xmtr/rcvr units for $250. So hopefully this will solve the problem once and for all for < $35.
I can confirm that I am finally free of Pentair wireless garbage... the solution above worked like a charm for $25, and just uses my existing WiFi network. Sorry, Pentair... not paying you another $250 for a third set of wireless boards that keep failing and you have no idea why... this WiFi adapter in bridge mode took about 10 minutes to set up.
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I got the WiFi adapter listed in post #1 without any power supply... then used this:

and cut off the plug and wired it into the power for the Intellitouch transformer. The Interface Adapter fit nicely below the reset buttons in top right of low voltage area, and the wifi adapter and USB power in top left of low voltage area. I was concerned about wifi signal with the door closed, but it works fine.

Adapter just needs to be set-up with a laptop... find the wifi network it publishes, go into config in browser, set your wifi network name/pw and disable it from broadcasting its own network. Done.

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my IntelliCenter2 wireless link was fried recently during a storm. We lost a cable modem, a couple of 12v power supplies, and a 14 year old apple AirPort Extreme router.

Anyhow, after considering my options I decided to try and hook up an old travel router that I had in a drawer. This is the model: Router link on Amazon

I configured it as a “repeater” from my house wifi, plugged it into the existing Ethernet cable that was attached to the wireless board inside the wireless link housing mounted to the pool equipment pad. The router fit inside the original pentair housing after I used pliers to snap off the internal screw posts. The router now connects the panel to the house wifi and the intellicenter panel just sees it as a wired Ethernet connection.

Power provided by a usb cable plugged into a small apple iPhone usb power plug right on the same post.

Sure beats spending $200+!!
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