A whole lot of problems; need advice


Jun 7, 2017
Fairfield NJ
So let me start this story by saying that three different pool companies have visited my house to in various forms to perform a pool opening. First contractor simply removed the cover and left and never returned. Pump was left off and water was as green as I've never seen it. I wasn't home when the second contractor came and basically all he did was turn the pump on. Third person came and actually did some work including vacuuming. Finally when the third company was there did I notice The pump was not priming properly. My guess is that's why the first guy never came back, just didn't want to deal with it. Anyway I noticed that the pump was leaking water. After some research I determined that I needed to replace the seal. I started to take the back of the motor apart to remove the power and sheared all the screws. Considering the motor was 13 years old, I figured it was a good time to get a new motor while I was replacing the seal. After more research I made the decision to buy two speed motor. Took everything apart meaning the old motor, diffusers, impeller, plates, etc To replace the seal and put the new motor in-service. Again I couldn't get the pump primed but the new seal was doing it's job, no leak. I eventually got the pump primed but the water was not flowing as it was before with water pulling equally from the skimmers and the drain. I determined now that I have an air leak somewhere. That's now where I need some help I was hoping this forum can assist.

So when I am pulling water just from only the skimmers the water flows as it did before, no apparent air leak. When I open the diverter valve for the drain and allow water from the drain and the skimmers, that's when the pump starts to cavitate.

The filter is pressurized slightly lower than when it was before with the old motor at about 14 psi versus 16 PSI before. I was told that perhaps the problem is in the diverter valve itself but I'm hoping before I waste a lot of time maybe someone can provide some input. I tried using soapy water on the plumbing fittings but couldn't really notice anything. It's odd that it's not flowing water as well as possible when it's pulling from the skimmers and drain but is flowing water properly through the pump when pulling only from the skimmers.

One other item I need help on, I decided to go with a two speed motor as I mentioned before. On high speed again the motor and pump work but aren't pulling as well as before (while pulling from skimmer and drain) On low speed however the pump cuts out after about 10 seconds meaning it's hitting it's thermal overload protection. What are some possible causes of this and is it related to my air leak problem?

The diverter valves are currently set to basically pull 75% of the water from the skimmers and 25% from the drain.

Thanks ahead of time for any help and advice
:wave: Welcome to TFP!!!

Do you just have a single 3-way valve between the skimmer and floor drain or a valve on each line? Pictures might help.
Any chance there is still a drain plug in the main drain and is not allowing water to be pulled from the floor and then air gets sucked in?

The low speed should not stop like that. Are you 100% sure the wiring is done correctly? Does this still happen when on the skimmer is running? This would not likely be related to the air leak unless perhaps all water flow stops.

Until you have time to troubleshoot ... turn off the floor drain , don't let air keep getting sucked in.

FYI, shaving cream works better at finding suction leaks.
There are two skimmers with each line coming into a three-way diverter valve. The output of that valve is one of the inputs to the second three-way diverter valve with the other input from the main drain self. the output from the second diverter valve is then to the pump.

there are no plugs down on the main drain in the pool itself. I Assume that's what you mean.

I'll Take another look at the wiring but assuming it is correct what else could the issue be??

i'll also try the shaving cream.
There could very well still be a drain plug in place, or perhaps the valves are not situated correctly. Some pool owners, and companies, completely close the valves for winterization. Once this occurs, it is impossible to completely open the valves without unscrewing the stopper and lifting the handle high enough to rotate 180 degrees to open the valve. If this occurred at your main drain valve, it may be that you simply can't open the valve in its current state. Pictures will definitely help.
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