A Perfect Storm: Me Ignorant & Professionals Tricky

OK, I've done my homework.

I need to increase my CYA to 30. My FC at 5 is ok. My CC needs to read 0. My pH needs to be at least 7.2.

I can add 1 lb of CYA then monitor daily because CYA takes times to respond in the pool water. I can raise my pH by using Borox (how much ?) Since my FC is ok, how do I reduce my current CC .5 level to zero ?!

Thanks so much & Happy Friday :) -- Erica
OK, I've done my homework.

I need to increase my CYA to 30. My FC at 5 is ok. My CC needs to read 0. My pH needs to be at least 7.2.

I can add 1 lb of CYA then monitor daily because CYA takes times to respond in the pool water. I can raise my pH by using Borox (how much ?) Since my FC is ok, how do I reduce my current CC .5 level to zero ?!

Thanks so much & Happy Friday :) -- Erica

Hello and Welcome to TFP!!

You are doing great. Read THIS article about raising pH. *wink* pick choice #3 (aeration). *wink* But tell us the "why" for full credit, lol.
A CC of .5 is just fine right now. It will fluctuate up and down by that much occasionally just because it will.

^^^^^^^^ Purrfect and oh so cute! THANKS! :hug:

Erica, the only thing I would change is the daily testing of the CYA. Once it is all dissolved wait half a day or over night (with pump running to mix it in good) THEN check the CYA. We did some testing last summer and found we do not need to wait more than a day to test for it once it is all dissolved and mixed in. We are working on redoing the articles that still say wait a week to test.

What a happy day!

Re: A Perfect Storm: Me Ignorant & Professionals Tricky

Hello Good People & Happy Monday (wink wink)

OK, in the last 3 days by PH has inched up to 7.0, my FC has dropped to 4 and my CC is staying at .5

BUT 4 POUNDS of CYA later and almost no change. Before 15ish and now 20ish.

I have 4 more pounds I can add of CYA... your thoughts ?!

Thanks so much :) -- Erica

- - - Updated - - -

PS I used "aeration" to increase PH and have purchased a solar fountain thing to use as needed :)
7 days ago I mixed 2lbs w water then slowly added to my skimmer. Then 3 days ago I added 2 more lbs also soaked w water. Brand: Sina Industries 98.5% CYA

we r seeing tiny pockets of new algae in corners and crevices in the pool too ;-(

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Update: FC 5 and CC 0 !!! CYA only small improvement so I have 1lb in a sock hanging out at my skimmer. Ph steady at 7.0 and I have a little fountain to help raise that to 7.2

i did not Slam as there has beeen no dead algae at bottom of pool and nothing to scrub w a brush. Life is pretty good !!!!
When adding CYA via the skimmer, have you been backwashing your sand filter??? If you have then you may have drained it to waste on the backwash. That is why TFP recommends to add CYA via the Sock method in front of a return.

Sock method in the skimmer will also work as the sock holds the CYA granules until they are dissolved.

Just need to keep your pump running the entire time the sock is in the skimmer as the CYA is acidic and can damage things otherwise.
Hello Fellow Pool Lovers: the sock w CYA is slowly getting used. But my Ph is stuck at 7.0. So I got 20 Mike team Borox. Should I put 1cup in the skimmer tonight and test the ph in the morning ?!

Hope everyone has a lovely 4th of July !!