Taylor salt test

Jun 2, 2011
East Texas
I got the Taylor salt test last year and I can't remember....
Is it supposed to have particles/chunks in it that look clabbered when you put the first drops in? Can it go bad? I've had it sitting with the other testing stuff on top of the fridge in the garage.
I've soaked my cell once but may have to do it again. I bumped up to a 26'round intex (was 24') so it's a new fill. All is good but my salt. I have the 16" salt/sand filter combo model CS20110.
It changes at 16 drops and does a darker more definite brick color at 17 drops so I should be at 3400 ppm. I added one more bag last night and about to go test again. Thoughts?
Is the SWG making chlorine? Giving a low salt error? If the SWG is happy then don't add salt. The only real purpose of the salt test is to validate that you aren't getting bad information from the SWG. When the SWG starts failing or the water gets cold it will start reporting low salt or erratic readings. But, as long as the water is warm and it is making chlorine then you are good to go.
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