65 CYA used up in 1 week - Help

Recently converted to SWG and had my water balanced. Asked my wife to check the chemical levels this morning as I went to work.

Test results using Taylor Kit:

Water Temp :87
FC - 5 PPM ( i am still calibrating my swg %)
PH - 8 (had guests this week - will need to lower with MA)
CH - 375
TA - 70
Salt - 3600
CYA - 0
Bor - 0
Temp - 85

I had my CYA at 65 just before making the SWG system live. That was about a 1.5 weeks ago. In the past forms, I understood that CYA diminishes at an average rate of 2 ppm per month.

Is there a reason that my CYA would disappear so fast? Is this an indication of bacteria? Too much Texas sun? I will double check once I get home to make sure it is not a user error issue, but I had verified her steps when she texted me the numbers.

Hands up for using the TA triating agent to test for FC ? I had my SWG turned up at the time and thought my FC was sky high as I couldn’t get the water to clear even after 50 drops [emoji849] Yes, I am female but being male doesn’t protect you from doing silly things... just ask my hubby about the overflow connection he ‘plumbed’ [emoji23]
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