Talk about a sudden end to the season!


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TFP Expert
Apr 4, 2007
SW Indiana
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
98 today, 96 tomorrow. I'm working to keep the water temperature down.

Sunday forecast is in the 70s, and most of the next ten days will be in the low 80s or upper 70s. No gradual decline this year.
Our temps are jumping around. Earlier this week 70s, yesterday in the 90s, today back to 70s today. Nights are getting cooler. Able to keep the pool temp around 80 with solar running and cover...not for long though :(
Temps back up again... here in Indiana! :party: Hoping to spend some time in the pool this evening. Hubby thought after this last weekend we would be waiting for them temps to go down so we could close up, but now... time to swim again :) Gonna be sad to close her up this year.

frogabog... yes, some of us are wimps from your perspective. I can hardly get Hubby in the pool if it's not at least 82 degrees! Can't imagine 54.. :shock: If we lived further north we would probably be much more like you!

You could turn that around you know... because we melt when it gets much over 90 for long around here. They start issuing warnings to check on the elderly, homeless people, and find your pets. Whole newscasts are dedicated to stories about the heat and how to survive it. And then the elderly start dying. I see images of people in Texas and Arizona wearing long sleeve shirts in 100+ degree weather and wonder how they don't expire right there on the spot. I have central air, but never use it because every time we bother to turn it on the electric bill goes through the roof, I can't imagine the cost of the essential cooling some of you have to deal with. It has to be 98-100 before I'll turn it on. One of my kids gets heat exhaustion with a quickness when he's outside moving if it's over 80, has since he was a toddler (my mom is also very sun/heat sensitive... weirdos!).

I am however looking forward to our high 80's and low 90's week that is looming upon us here. The water should hit 80 or even 82 after a few solid days of 85+. I plan to swim even :~}
Samantha_in_AL said:
My water is 71 degrees and leaves are falling. I'm thinking about winterizing next weekend. This makes me so sad.

In Alabama????

Our water was 94 yesterday when I put the fountain on the return. I'm having to work to keep it cool.
linen said:
frogabog said:
You guys are wimps! :p :cool: :p
We plan to hot tub this year when it is below zero F...come over when it is -20F and say that :rant:

What and watch y'all lounge in your hot tub while my hair follicles freeze my skull till it shatters?

No thank you! (I'd try it though, turn the hot tub up just a tad for me will ya?)

-20??? Serious? Why do y'all insist on suffrage? I think I'd just die if I had to endure such extremes :~}

My grandfather's family hails from MN. He said his nose was permanently red from being frozen too many times, lol.

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I can't honestly say I know what 80 feels like, I will likely find out before closing though. I must get in at least one more time! (without running the heater for 8+ hrs prior)
I was just saying the same thing John! :x Jeez...the water has been a toasty 90...I like it at that temp when swimming at night. :wink: Been keeping the solar blanket on to keep it there and then BAM!...Hurricane Lee's remnants come calling and the high today has been 58!! Gonna stay that way for a couple of days then maybe go back up to the 70's and 80's but there's no way to get the water warm enough. :cry: Having Ladies Wine club at my house this coming know, so we can have the last swim of the season....guess we'll have to get the fire pit out instead! :lol: I think my SAD is already setting in and it's only Sept. ! :shock: :lol:
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