2nd year doing TFP method and still struggling

May 19, 2016
Duncansville, PA
Good Morning,

First off i want to thank everyone for the great help last year!! My pool is 100% better off this start up than last!!

I started SLAM 2 days ago. Original numbers prior to SLAM

FC 0
CC 0
PH 7.2
TA 175
CH 375
CYA 30

I have maintained FC of 12 or slightly higher. My numbers this morning FC 13 CC .5 When i tested before bed i was at FC 14. So i only dropped 1 overnight.

Water is still cloudy so i know to keep slamming. Could it be that since my TA is so high that is why it is still cloudy? Can I lower TA while slamming by starting my fountain and adding acid or just wait it out? ( i know i cant test PH)

I dont know if my signature will show up as i cant seem to locate it but im in Pennsylvania, 40,000 gallon lazy L, vinyl liner, Sand filter. Water temp is 64.

thanks so much for this forum!!!! its been an eye opening experience!!!:D
Good Morning Beesathome :)

Your pool just needs to filter the cloudiness away. Keep up the SLAM and monitor your filter pressure in case you need to backwash.

Dont make any attempt to adjust your TA at this time as your pH is already at the bottom of our range. Its perfect for the SLAM, you don't want to go lower now. Later on we can do that.

Is your fill water that hard or have you added calcium?

Summer is coming! You'll be ready it sounds like :)

Maddie :flower: (Skippy is from Altoona... he knows Duncansville well)
thank you for the info!! My fill water is well water and yes it is very hard. I had to replace 12 inches this year as my well dried up end of last season so i just used the bottom drain to circulate and then closed for the season. I may call on Skippy as he is so close :) We are having some nice 90 degree days this week!
Can I lower TA while slamming by starting my fountain and adding acid or just wait it out?
Finish your SLAM first. Get your water clear and then make your TA adjustment.

Next, I would suggest you simply start the fountain and monitor your pH everyday. Your pH should slowly rise and when it gets to 7.8. Drop it back to 7.2 with muriatic.....this will lower your TA
First one is deep end. Can just see floor drain...second is shallow...then 3rd another of deep end...Ive been testing every 2 hours and just now did the FC drop from 10 to 8...and it's sunny and almost 90 here. CC is still .5.

I have a tone of scale left from last year that looks like a white film over my liner. From your site last year I keep my PH around 7.0 7.2 and brush...hopefully more will dissipate this year too.
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