Sharp razor knife and knee pads Looks like the cool deck was put on after the drains were put in. You are going to have to cut the drains from the "paint" and gently pull them up. It is going to take time and beers!
Since it looks pretty embedded could also use an Oscillating Tool with a blade. You can pick up a cheap one at a Harbor Freight - for like $40 and the job will go much much faster. It would also safely cut through the glue and cool deck.
that looks like the cheaper version that DOES NOT have a removable top, the stegmeier brand does have a removable top the knock off ones do not. you may open a can of worms if you cut it and its the 1 piece design......maybe try in a small area you can see look online for pics of the difference you can tell in person
I got it out, used a pruning blade to split it top and bottom, there's a lip that goes under cement..It was full of mud, roots..I tried pressure washing, no good.
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