
  1. Finished


  2. M

    MA slam for weeks, Mustard Algae will not die

    I have tried everything. Regular SLAM then MA SLAM. For weeks now. Wore out the steel brush. Pump on 24/7. Tried applying bleach directly on to the algae areas with a 10’ plumbing pipe (a trick a pool guy showed me once). Nothing works. Passing OCLT but the mustard is still there. Walls and...
  3. Yucky


  4. RSAnative

    NO CYA

    Hello Forum! I opened my pool Monday and it was greener than previous years. So I began my SLAM. I SLAM'D it based on my reading from the end of the year for CYA levels, which were around 30. So I SLAM'd at about 16 for FC. However, I tested my CYA levels and it's reading zero. The pool is...
  5. M

    Slamming with SWG

    Hi Guys! Quick question, I have read that when slamming it is not needed to run the SWG. Which I don’t do...With that being said my CYA is 40. Should I slam with a CYA of 40 pass the OCLT then add stabilizer before running SWG. Or should I add stabilizer during the slam so when I pass the OCLT...
  6. M

    SLAMing inground pool with DE filter, no recirculate...

    This is my first time opening a pool. I think I closed down too early last fall and therefore opened up my pool to a nice shade of dark green. Never fear! I am a true believer in the TFP SLAM method and have stocked up on liquid chlorine. I went through my first day, lots of sweeping and...
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  9. J

    0% Chlorine all summer

    So last year I became a new pool owner and before I found this site, I added about 6 bags of cal hypo to my pool to shock it and ran the filter for a few days non-stop. The cal-hypo of course raised my CH but kept it within safe range. Once I found this site, I tried to apply the slam process...
  10. Rackel

    Chemistry Tests Look a SLAM required?

    We had our IG pool resurfaced in December and chemistry was balanced immediately after by our pool guy. I took over maintenance after a few weeks and was simply brushing, vacuuming, monitoring chlorine and pH levels until a couple of weeks ago. We had zero CYA because of the new water, so I...
  11. B

    Slam Question re CYA and Chlorine Addition

    Starting up and we need to SLAM. Our CYA is 0. So two questions for guidance: 1. To raise the CYA is there a top limit of how much of the Clorox CYA to add at one time - or use the entire amount of CYA as recommended on the label for the water volume of the pool. 2. Can I add a limited...
  12. S

    New member

    Hi all, Just joined, tried to before but it said registration was closed. Starting the BBB method this year. Added a SWCG and VSP over the winter while pool was closed. Opened pool to no FC and white water mold coming out of skimmers when I pulled the gizmos out. Also, my CYA level when from...
  13. HolliG

    Muddy pool SLAM cleanup

    Southern California had a lot of rain this year and a few weeks ago our bank had way too much overnight and mud ran down our slide steps and into the pool. We woke up to a very brown pool. We never had this problem the year before so looks like it’s only an issue with large amounts of rain. We...