
  1. F

    Black algae or dirt?

    I've been dealing with this issue since lthe end of last pool season and I haven't been able to figure it out. 22k gallon 30ft round vinyl liner above ground pool. For starters I used pucks last season and made the switch to liquid chlorine this season. Half my pool drained out over the...
  2. deathbypool

    Drain & refill: algae was out of hand

    EDITED as I found a paper from the original build in 1989! Please help me figure out how many gallons this amoeba-shaped "sports" pool is! Length: 35 ft Width at widest part: 15.5 ft Shallow on both ends: 3.5 ft Deep end in the middle: 6 ft Using online calculations, I *think* it's 12,500...
  3. T

    Algae Just Won’t Go Away

    I seem to have two trouble spots in my pool for algae. No matter how high I SLAM, they never fully go away. I’m on day 2 of a SLAM and the algae has turned from black to green but still remains. They’ve probably been in my pool for 2 years now at some capacity. Midland, TX so lots of sun and...
  4. R

    Best cleaner for walls after algae

    Long story short, draining water from last year because it turned green so just going to start fresh. What's the best thing to use on the walls to kill any remaining algae? Been reading posts that said scrub with straight bleach, bleach water mix, and other stuff, so really confused now.
  5. A

    Not sure if what I’m doing is right

    I am just over a week in of caring for the pool. It has “staining” on the calmer end that comes and goes throughout the day. By end of day it spreads across the bottom of the pool, by morning it is only on the edge. Water has been clear. It does. It come off with the brush but we could scrub it...
  6. Gollie

    Adjust pH (and TA?) before SLAM

    TL;DR: Opened yesterday. A little visible algae appeared today. How much risk am I taking if I hold off on starting SLAM until tomorrow (or possibly following day) to allow time to adjust pH and TA first? Other factors: 1. FC is likely very low. 2. I will have to add water after vac, which...
  7. T

    I think I have black agae?

    I have been having these small black spots appear and it has been impossible to scrub them out, even with a stainless steel scrubber. Can anyone help with guidance of what to do? Thanks!
  8. P

    Algae or metal in pool?

    Hello! I am new to owning and this is my first time opening one up. I attached some pics of how it looks today after double shocking it yesterday evening around 8pm. I left my pool on circulate since I have a sand filter and didn’t want algae getting stuck in there. I’m not sure if that was the...
  9. F

    Algea problem - Can't get past cloudy water

    We bought a house pool in February. We did not know what condition the water was in since it was closed and winterized (we are in the midwest.) And we are first time pool owners who do not know much. When we took the cover off two weeks ago found a pretty bad algea bloom. We went to the pool...
  10. N

    Green Pool after 3-days of SLAM

    Hi, I opened our pool for the season 3-days ago to already find a green pool with 50 degree water temperature. I have been SLAMing for 3-days with little to no improvement. I know I made a mistake initially vacuuming and assuming my sand filter would trap the algae. As soon as I realized...
  11. G

    Completely Lost

    33' round above ground pool. Sand filter. Third season with the pool. Last year I switched to liquid chlorine and chlorine pucks through an autofeeder from baquacil. Long story short - didn't understand what CYA was and how it was being added by the pucks. CYA was over 130 last year and I...
  12. M

    Stains on Pool Walls? Pics

    Hello! Brand new here :) Like many other newbs, I let my pool go over the winter (sorry). I am currently on week two of my SLAM and the water is looking soooo much better; however, now that I can see better I have discovered that many of the walls are stained…. I am on well water, but I...
  13. K

    Should I Drain This Pool?

    My in laws pool is pretty green and has a lot of debris at bottom. Should I drain it or can I get it blue without draining. We live in DFW area Allen TX. So not sure if I have to worry about it popping out. It's a concrete/plaster pool.
  14. hartpump

    Not sure if Algae or just dirt

    Hi Pool Gurus, I am in year 3 of pool ownership. I have learned so much from this forum and I thank all of you for making me a more confident and knowledgable pool owner. I have learned how to maintain, open and close my pool from all of you generous individuals. Many thanks. Last season when...
  15. U

    Newbie to the SWG world now have yellow algae present and getting worse

    I live in south FL so we get a lot of sun and heat of course. I have had the SWG for a couple months and have a real hard time keeping the chlorine level balanced. I have yellow algae now and its spreading, the FC just wont go up or kill it. My CYA is 70 so I think I am good there. Question...
  16. B

    Green water after baking soda and Shock

    Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and pool caring. Have the pool for a couple months and was taking care of it with dichlor only. And it was crystal clear. But my pH was around 7 - 7.2 and last week I added sodium carbonate to raise the pH. The same night I shocked the pool. The next day the...
  17. K

    Help ! Is this black Algae ?

    hi I am wondering what this is.. is it black algae. Doesn’t come off easily at all.. I use the steel brush and changes slight colour from black to greenish… used the puck and brush and puck and brush.. and no change. Currently slamming the pool as it’s gone cloudy. Went cloudy as fc dropped...
  18. C

    Pink (algae)? only in basket

    Pool is a year old we maintain it ourselves and realized our basket is turning pink, I believe it is some kind of mold or algae, I haven’t check the filter yet, the pool itself doesn’t look to have a pink hue to it, although it is hard to tell. What do we do? 10,000 gallon pool.
  19. P

    Stain and/or Algae

    New pool owner here with a stain or algae problem. The pool is salt water, 7200 gallons and less than a year old. Several neighbors recommend TFP and I have been bingeing on it for two days. My pool service doesn’t know what is is and wants to drain the pool and acid wash it. I don’t think...
  20. Barkydoo

    DuckTales Woo-oo!

    This is the first season I've been responsible for my pool maintenance and I could not have done it without the help of this forum and site so thank you! I've been able to keep all my levels practically perfect and my pool has been sparkling all season (thank you liquid bleach!)...that is until...
  21. G

    How often do you have to brush the pool walls?

    Hey guys, if you take good care of your pool. Meaning the filter is optimal, the chemicals are balanced.... then should you see yellow build-up if you miss brushing for just one day? I know this probably isn't exact science, and most likely everybody is YMMV. If I miss brushing for just one day...
  22. B

    Best Way to Prevent Algae Growth on Top of Solar Cover

    I typically only use a solar cover after Labor Day and until I close the pool (about 4 weeks on average). It mostly helps keep the gas bill down. I don't deal with significant leaf drop, but I do have a neighbor whose maple leaves inevitably get blown onto the cover and start to breakdown. I...
  23. T

    Cloudy Tiny Particles UGH!

    If I leave the water undisturbed for 24 hours it is perfectly clear. Upon any movement in the water, a “cloud” appears. When I look into the water after starting to vacuum on waste, I can see millions of tiny particles that appear white in the water. I have vacuumed on waste several times and...
  24. B

    Battling algae… and losing :(

    Hi guys! I’ve had algae growth in my pool for several months and no amount of scrubbing, backwashing, algicide, chlorine, etc seems to help. Really breaking my head over this and would love some fresh ideas or input. I live in a tropical climate (around 30C/85F most days, water same...
  25. josh1856

    Pool green

    I honestly don’t know what to say other than I’m at my wits end. I’ve maintained a followed trouble free pool and the advice and knowledge for over 6 years with a 24’ above ground pool with zero issues. The last 30 days or so have been heck. I am unable to get the green out of the pool using...
  26. DePixeler

    Can ledge furniture create circulation problems?

    This was my first full summer thorough a tremendously hot Florida season with great success thanks to TFP. I recently added a couple of chairs to the tanning ledge / Baja shelf. It's obvious immediately that the return flow is deflected by the chairs - but it still circulates (as indicated by...
  27. A

    Is this Black Algae

    My Pool man said this is not black algae, but discoloration that occurs in old pebble tech finishes. Another pool man urges that is it black algae and can ruin my finish. My pool man is treating it in case it is black algae but it doesn’t seem to be getting better! What the heck do I do please?
  28. A

    Robotic Vaccums: What gotchas are there?

    I have a pool that was originally built with an in-floor cleaning system - it doesn't really work. I bought a pool vac that I use and like, but I have to run it through the skimmer which means that all of the surface debris goes straight to the pump strainer. I've been looking at...
  29. tedpoppke


    Hi, A couple of years ago, TFP had articles promoting the use of borax to control algae. The content appears to be gone? What changed on this topic?
  30. spacey

    Clearing up yellow algae dust quick, temporarily?

    I've read through the SLAM method here and started it yesterday. Sounds great, added 4 lbs of CYA (level was zero before addition). Pool is 18,000 gallons, in ground, vinyl, sand filter 300 pounds, new pump is running 24/7. TC is 2, FC is 3 but should be increasing soon. I've been using...