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  1. E

    Rust in heater inlet

    I have had a drip at the heater inlet gasket and when I took it off I saw a lot of corrosion (photos attached). No problems in the heat exchanger itself, as far as I know. I've sprayed some CLR all around and scrubbed the rusty parts with a toothbrush. Is there anything else I can do? Is there...
  2. E

    Are sweep elbows/90s more useful on suction side or pressure side

    If I have a limited number of sweeps versus regular 90s, should I prioritize using them on the suction side (before the pump) or pressure side (after the pump)? Or does it not matter, and the head loss is calculated on a system-wide basis, no matter where any individual fitting is located within...
  3. E

    Move from 1.5" to 2" before or after 90°?

    I currently have 1.5" pipes throughout the system (including underground) and I am redoing the plumbing on the pad to 2". On the suction side, I have three 1.5" lines coming up next to each other which I will combine into one 2" line feeding into the pump. My question is, when expanding from...
  4. E

    Logic for DIY solar controller - Tuya/SmartLife app

    I am adding a solar heater (in between filter and existing gas heater), and am using @Rancho Cost-a-Lotta 's amazing post as a guide for the automation for contolling the actuator-enhanced 3-way valve. Most folks here seem to opt for the Sonoff line of products for wifi relays and sensors. I am...