Search results

  1. eagle47

    Ideal TA level?

    I was in the local big box store the other day looking for some baking soda to raise my pool TA. On the shelf, I saw a package of Clorox "Alkalinity Increaser" (see photo #1) and took a look at the ingredients. Surprisingly, the package indicated that the ideal TA level for a vinyl liner pool...
  2. eagle47

    How to Clean Concrete Deck?

    With everything in the pool running smoothly (fingers crossed, knock on wood, prayers to pool gods, kudos to TFP...) my attention is now turned to my concrete pool deck. Over the past winters it had become stained from the elements which leaves a clear outline where the edge of the pool cover...
  3. eagle47

    Runaway CYA?

    After being near rock-solid stable all summer, my latest CYA readings are increasing dramatically: 8/21: 35 8/22: 35 8/23: 40 8/24: 45 8/25: 45 8/26: 50 8/27: 60 What could be the cause? The only chemical additions I've made during this time are a half-gallon of LC every night as per my usual...
  4. eagle47

    Shelf life of liquid chlorine

    After a peaceful "trouble free" summer with my pool (thank you TFP!), I'm getting ready to close this week. In cleaning up my stock of pool supplies in the garage, I see that I have 6 gallons of liquid chlorine leftover from this summer. Any chance at all that they will still be viable next...
  5. eagle47

    DE in the pool

    Just opened the pool and noticed a LOT of DE in the pool after first run. Checked multi-port valve and noticed gasket was looking rough and one of the plastic vanes was broken. Replaced valve, cleaned and inspected grids, reassembled and added DE. Upon restart, noticed DE continues to enter the...
  6. eagle47

    Vacation Maintenance?

    'Morning all! Any suggestions on best approach for pool maintenance while I'm out of town? The good far, this has been one of those years where pool problems have been few, the chemical levels are good and consistent, and the pool looks great.:lovetfp: The bad news...unfortunately...
  7. eagle47

    Hello from Maryland!

    I'm a long-time (30-year) pool owner who now, thanks to the TFP forums and Pool School, know that I've done just about everything wrong (LPS, chlorine tablets, $$$ spent on unnecessary chemicals, etc.) but am trying to get smarter and up-to-speed. I'm now doing my own testing and using liquid...