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  1. B

    Pool very green - chlorine not dropping overnight

    Hi All: I very rarely post because I've never had a problem I couldn't figure out based on the amazing help here, but on this one I'm a bit baffled (or maybe I just need some encouragement to continue forging ahead). Went on vacation for a few weeks, and had a pool company come and service the...
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    Polaris Autoclear Plus plagued by error code 94

    So I was all gung ho this season, got the water CRYSTAL clear thanks to TFP. Then I found out that my SWG wasn't working. I've been back and forth with Polaris, and they sent me a new cell (as in previous years I've already replaced the control panel and the entire control module). So it was...
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    Finally got pool open, first test results!

    I love the TF100! Quick question - the OTO test shows 0 chlorine, so I decided to test for CC using the FAS-DPD test. Upon initially putting in the powder, the solution did not turn red as the test indicates. I proceeded and added the 5 drops of R-0003, and the water turned slightly pinkish...
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    Mechanics of CYA interaction with chlorine

    From the information I've gleaned from this forum and a little logical assumption, I understand the basics of the interactions between CYA and chlorine, but I'd like to go deeper. Basically, CYA bound to chlorine protects it and the possibly the chlorine below it from UV light. But as a...
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    Critical Algae Mass

    Has there ever been a study on the rate of algae growth in a given volume of water? I'm wondering if the rate tapers off at some point as the volume of algae increases, such that the advantage of treating sooner rather than later is negligible. Not that I ever plan to have this problem, of...
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    Do you find pool care relaxing?

    So apparently my pool is quite large and requires a lot of care (or so people think). Every time a guest asks how long it takes to care for my pool (which will decrease dramatically this season thanks to BBB), I tell them it's usually about an hour per week, and they are surprised when I say I...
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    Paramount Solar Turnover System - Worth it?

    So I have this system installed that basically a timed diverter that takes the return flow and directs it either to the normal returns or the floor returns (every five minutes or so). For those that don't know, the basic idea is to periodically take warmer "sunned" water from the surface and...
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    CYA Brand Names

    I've noticed a wide disparity in prices of "stabilizer" (CYA of course) based on the brand name. Is on name better than another? I see GLB, OMNI, Protech, etc. with the latter being significantly more expensive than others. Is there some advantage to the more expensive brand or are they just...
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    Treat or refill first?

    So for whatever reason (the most likely being displacement by the massive amount of snowand rain weighing down my cover), my water level has dropped about 10-12". My question: once opened (I know there is already some algae in there), do I take advantage of the higher chemical concentrations...
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    Build or buy?

    So my current pool is my very first one - we built it with a pool builder. Given the cost, time, and initial "learning period", my wife and I often lament about whether or not we should have bought a house with a pool already built, and have vowed to never "build" a pool again, with maybe one...
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    Unusual finds

    I'm curious - if you don't mind sharing, what is the most unusual thing you've ever found in you pool? I find that during some months in the summer the occassionally field mouse or small brid meets its demise in my skimmer baskets.
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    Balancing Order

    I sure this has been asked before, but I'm curious, and pose the following hypothetical situation. All of your test numbers are out of whack. What do you handle first? I ask this question partly because I fully expect my numbers to be very wrong (given I was using the pool store as my tester...
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    Hard time finding Borax

    So I've been calling around trying to find Borax, and no one sells it! I actually went to a few stores, and Walmart was the only store that had it, so I grabbed up all they had on display, 6 boxes yesterday and 4 boxes at a different Walmart today that I happened by. Only 32 more boxes to go...
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    Adding DE to a Sand Filter - how effective is it?

    I am interested in doing this as I saw the how-to section in the Pool School. A quick search yielded some results that suggested some people have had success, but there may have been other factors. What I would like to know is if anyone without other problem factors (such as poor circulation...
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    Pump Run Time (of day)

    I have what the power company calls a TOD (time of day) meter, in which daytime electricity (9 AM - 9 PM in the summer months) is more expensive than normal, but nighttime electricity (9PM - 9AM) is significantly cheaper than normal. How important is it to run the pump during daytime hours...
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    Superchlorination Method

    I was researching shock methods (since I usually just pour liquid or powder at the returns and add the step of brushing when I use the powder), and happened upon mention of the "recirculation" method. I was instructed to never add shock directly to the skimmer as the heater core and other...
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    Importance of testing yourself

    I've been a member for a little but recently found my way back, and happened upon the BBB method. I've got a SWG supplemented with an automatic feeder, and I'm interested in switching over with what chemicals I do need (as my SWG is not reliable). Namely, using bleach to shock it instead...