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  1. D

    Feedback on Pentair Intelliflo3 VSF

    I have a perfectly working Hayward VSP pump. However, what lacks is my ability to control it remotely. This is at my AirBNB and my pump is required to run at minimum speed to trigger the heater 24/7. The only reason I'm considering the Intelliflo3 is the Wifi capability w/o the need of an...
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    Can the plunger type backwash valve be replaced with another style?

    My Pentair DE filter have the plunger type backwash valve. I replaced the entire plunger and o ring but for some reason I get little leaks coming out of it. I'm just going to replace the entire valve assemble and was wondering if there is a "better" option out there.
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    Is it worth replacing traditional eyeball returns to another?

    I got only 2 returns in my IG pool. I feel like the circulation can use some improvements. I see things like venturi jets and circulator rotating jets etc. Curious on if it's going to improve circulation. Is there one that you'd recommend?
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    Water puddling on concrete at returns

    At my Airbnb, I noticed that the concrete is wet at the return jets. When I reviewed the camera feeds, I noticed the kids were messing around with the jets and shoving pool noodles and stuff to the jets. I had someone inspected the jet and it all seems to be in place and no signs of damage. Is...
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    recommendation on VS pump with wifi

    I currently have an older Hayward SP2302VSP, seems it cannot be adding to a wireless controller. Thinking about replacing it to something I can remotely controll the speed or if anything at least being able to turn it on and off remote. Any suggestions on what's out there that won't break the...
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    Pool heating cost

    We have short term rental with a pool and have guests asking about having it heated during the fall/winter time. I'm in Northern CA and average temp between Oct-December is mids to low 60's. Our gas rate is about $2/therm. My heater is a raypak 266k BTU heater pool is 16x32 deep end is about 8...
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    Looking for a way to control heater remotely

    I'm looking for away to monitor and remotely control the pool temperature. I have an older Raypak gas heater and was hoping for something that can read the existing thermostat. Is there anything that I can use for this?
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    Robot pool size rating, buy bigger or just enough?

    My Dolphin Diaganostic is beginning to act up. It would only sometime run so I need to have it replaced. My pool is 32ftx16 kidney shape. I see Robots that are rated for 33ft and others are up to 50ft and it seems the main difference is the cable length. I drop my robot in the center of the...
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    Buy the cheapest solar pool cover warranties aren't worth a dime

    So I have an 11 months old solar pool cover that's been rolled up on the reel since last September. I'm in Northern CA so extreme heat and cold isn't a thing. Was going to cover the pool and found that it has started to detoriorate. Got a hold of the seller and they are going to replace it...
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    regulation or best practice when spacing pool equipments?

    I'm not sure if this is by code or if it was a horible design to start with but I hate the way my pool equipment are laid out. It takes up the whole area of the side yard and I'm hoping to get it cleaned up. I plan on removing everything from it's current location and relocate the equipment so...
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    Solar pool cover with drain grommet?

    Had to replace my cover and ordered one that came with some of these little grommets said to help draining. Curious if anyone used them? Is it for rain water mainly or for when water floods over the top? Looking at it, not sure if it's even worth putting on.
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    Thinset for tile repair?

    I have a few tile trims that is falling off and would need to be reattach, the water level is low enough at the moment so I can work on it. Can I use thinset from the big box stores to install them?
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    Tiny crators on pool plaster?

    For many years now I noticed that there are tiny little crators around the pool floor. More heavily cover around the steps but this year, I noticed that it has spread to other areas. is my plaster beginning to fail?
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    anyone backwash using their vacum hose?

    I have the fire hose but my threads on the discharge port is broken. I'm using clamps to hold the hose in and if there are any kinks on the hose, it will shot out off the discharge port. I'm thinking about using my vacum tube for this and just clean it out once done. Anyone does this?
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    Solar panels needs to be specific for tile roof?

    I just bought some 2nd hand Fafco panels that are only a couple years old and half of them brand new never installed. I just spoke to an installer and was told that I can't use these panels on my tile roof and he recommended that I get the newer panels that have separated tubing that doesn't...
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    Can you roll up fafco solar panels to transport?

    Picking up some 4x12 fafco panels, can they be rolled up to be transported?
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    How do I know if my pump can handle the head height for Solar?

    I plan on installing a solar heater this season. it's a two story house, my guess is the peak of the roof will be about about 25feet high. The pump is a Hayward SP2302VSP @ max speed 0 head it's said to do 110gpm based on the chart below. I used an online calculator and put in all my "current"...
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    Do you try to clean/restore your old poles or just get new ones?

    I have an aluminum telescopic pools that's beginning to get old, the locking mechanicism is getting sticky and occassionally need a squirt of wd40 to twist. trying to stay green and not throw everything away at first sign of aging. Was wondering if this is one of those item that needs to be...
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    is 25 CYA too low for salt?

    Just tested a few minutes ago and noticed my CYA is only 25. I started with 45-50 earlier in the season. Water temp: 90 deg. FC 7 PH 7.5 TA = 110 CH 500 CYA 25 Salt 3400 only thing I did was added 40lbs of salt to bring the pool from 3000ppm to 3400ppm a few days ago.
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    Circupool SJ45+ not generating but no error light

    I've had my SWG for about a year, I don't turn it off over the winter but instead float some tablets for when the water is too cold to generate chlorine. About 3 weeks ago I noticed my pool getting a little green, so I scrubbed everything turn on super chlorine and had to leave town. Came back...
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    Do you guys use the DE scoops or weigh it out?

    I always use a kitchen scale to weigh my DE. Was wondering if you guys are trusting the scoop? I'd imagine every scoop is going to be off a little so I never trust it.
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    DIY pool solar installation on tile roof?

    Been thinking about installing some solar panels on the roof to heat the pool. To me, the plumbing is way to easy to pay someone $2k to install. The only thing I'm not sure about is securing it to the roof. I have tile roof which makes it a little harder than shingle where you can just screw...
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    I don't think my main drain is working

    shouldn't there still be water coming in if you plug up the skimmer hole? the bottom of my deep end where the main drain is is always full of dirt. Shouldn't it be sucking up the sand too? I went down there and tried to feel it and did not notice any suction at all. When leafs sinks toward...
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    If you see bubbles in your skimmer basket, your filter may just need a cleaning

    Lesson learn for this season that I want to share. Over the past few months, I posted a few threads about noisy pump and how there's a small tornado with bubbles in my skimmer basket that I can't get rid of. I went as far as digging to make sure everything was alrite and even tore my pump...
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    What can I use to test my home water salt level?

    I use the taylor test kit to test my pool. I have a water softener and I'm trying to get measure for my house and garden hose. Appearantly the taylor kit min test is 200ppm. One drop changed the color of my water. Any recommendation for lower level testings?
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    Is it ok if I vacuum in the backwash mode to blow all the stuff directly outside?

    We had some nasty storm and I have a bunch of little needle pine debris on the bottom of the pool. It'll take a very long time to scoop it all out. Is it ok if I attack it with the vacuum attachment and set the filter in backwash mode? I'll need to drain a little bit of the pool anyways since...
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    First winter with SWG reducing pump run time

    I have an RJ45, during the summer, my SWG runs @ 25% to keep an average of 5ppm. I have the SWG in winter mode so it's running @ 10% at the moment. I hardly have debris in the winter so I don't need it to run all the time, I see lots of people completely turn off their pump for the winter...
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    Safety pool mesh cover vs net and min spacing requirements?

    I have a 16x32 kidney shape pool. One side of the pool, I only have about 12-18" of spacing before it hits the steps of the deck. Seems the net covers can be installed in very narrow spacing but I think it looks ugly. I like the trampoline style covers better as it feels much safer. Is...
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    Any wireless control for Gas heater, SWG and VS pump?

    The raining season is here and walking outside to make adjustment has become low in the priority list. Was wondering if there's any wireless and or Zwave capable controller that I can interface with all 3 components? Raypak gas heater Circupool SWG Hayward VS Pump.
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    How do you fine tune your SWG?

    my SWG was installed a few weeks ago, got all the chemistries in order and tested for a couple days and thought I had it down. I've been doing only PH tests and neglected to test for FC, Today after the kids used the pool for the first time in 3 weeks I decided to test again, my FC was at 4...