Search results

  1. flipflop

    Dawn to dusk photocell switch?

    I want to put my SWG on a dawn-to-dusk photocell switch so that it turns on when the sun comes up, and off when the sun goes down. This should be simple, but such a product doesn't seem to exist. Sure, I can find umpteen zillion dusk-to-dawn switches that turns a device on when the sun goes...
  2. flipflop

    New test chems = high TA and CH??

    We started our pool for the season a few weeks ago (added SWG this year...yay!), and I'd been testing with chemicals leftover from last season. Apart from the DPD powder which I think was giving me iffy results, everything else seemed in line. Our new chems from arrived a few days...
  3. flipflop

    Brand-new CircuPool RJ45

    Hi all...with the panic over chlorine availability this year, I decided to make the switch to SWG. I'd been planning on doing it for a while, so it just seemed like a good year to do it. Anyway, we started the pool up and I'm in the process of adding salt, but the salinity reading on the unit...
  4. flipflop

    Water Tech Volt FX-8 Li

    Our Aquabot Elite mostly does a good job cleaning up the pool, but with the odd shape of our pool there are always spots that are left untouched. There are also times when some random debris blows in the pool and it seems silly to drop the cleaner in to take care of one little part of the pool...
  5. flipflop

    Getting a new pool

    Well, not really a new pool, but starting tomorrow we're draining it, then having the coping and tiling replaced, and the surface re-plastered. So basically a new pool since we'll be refilling it with untreated city water from delivery trucks. So I'm wondering how best to get the water quickly...
  6. flipflop

    Blue residue from non-stabilized chlorine tablets?

    I travel a lot for work, so to give my wife a break from having to slop chlorine into the pool every day, I picked up some Poolife NST (non-stabilized tablets) to float in the pool. They work great, keep the chlorine at an appropriate level, and since my CH is a bit low anyway, I'm not sweating...
  7. flipflop

    Frog Log

    Far be it from me to shill for a pool product, but I've become a big fan of the Frog Log. We've had our pool for about 16 years now and frogs and other critters have been a constant problem for us and I just figured it was something we'd have to live with. But I stumbled on this Frog Log thing...
  8. flipflop

    No, you DON'T have the worst pool problem

    No matter how bad a problem you've ever had with your pool, at least it didn't look like this. Saw this on Twitter this morning from with the caption "If the weather clears up later I might mow the pool." and just had to share it. :D
  9. flipflop

    TF100 Chlorine Testing

    I'm probably obsessing over nothing, but something's been bugging me about the TF100 DPD test ever since I started using it. The instructions say to use a "heaping" scoop of the powder, which seems pretty subjective in the world of chemistry. With such a small scoop and varying interpretations...
  10. flipflop

    Three years in, and I'm more a fan of TFPC than ever

    I just wanted to drop in and put in a plug for the TFPC method, in case there are any skeptics out there reading these forums wondering if they should try it. Back in late June or early July of 2011, I'd done the routine bi-weekly shock our pool store recommended and a day later, the water...
  11. flipflop

    Is there such a thing as a shock-free pool?

    After having our pool for 12 years and following the pool $tore method of maintenance, we switched to the BBB method in early July, just before the July 4th holiday. It was a minor crisis with chlorine levels just ahead of our annual Independence Day pool bash and learning here what CYA is and...
  12. flipflop

    When does "No problem" become a problem?

    For the past 12 years, we've gone with the pool store's recommendations and used nothing but pucks or sticks and powdered (cal-hypo) shock. We were told when our pool was first opened that we needed to shock once a week, and we stuck with that pretty religiously. But now that we've adopted the...
  13. flipflop

    Taylor CYA test

    I've been an occasional reader/lurker here for a few years and we've had our pool for 12 years, but we only recently (as in yesterday!) shifted to the BBB method. Up until this year, we've been OK with the pool store approach to keeping things in balance but this year it seemed that chlorine...