Search results

  1. J

    Ever have one of those days? Read ounces as pounds in Pool Math app!

    Ever have one of those days? Uncovered the pool (by myself) last Friday, got the cover cleaned, folded and stored. Then working on lots of backwashing, scrubbing and skimming to get things pretty going into May. Decided on Monday that since the pH was 7.2, to bump it slightly to 7.6 to get...
  2. J

    Replacing pump with VS

    I just got hit with a power bill that was over $500, and am out to fix as much as I can that is inefficient. Right now my pool is running with an old Sta-Rite pump that is at least 30 years old. I've replaced seals and impellers on it, and motors 2 or 3 times in the 21 years I've owned the...
  3. J

    Pool Calculator being Maintained?

    I am curious as to whether The Pool Calculator is being maintained by anyone? I tried to email a suggestion to add a drop down option for 121 oz on the bleach jug size, but email to "[email protected]" and to "[email protected]" bounces. The first one is the email shown on the...
  4. J

    Thanks for help!

    I just want to thank you for the information in Pool School, and useful advice on this forum. A week into the BBB method and the pool is once again crystal clear! I'm coming off shock levels. Here are tonight's readings after a sunny day: TC 10.0 CC 0.5 (probably less - just a SLIGHT pink tint...
  5. J

    Will fountain affect Chlorine levels?

    Question. I am still working on clearing up the pool, and maintaining shock levels, but as I learn about the BBB method and how to better maintain my pool, I thought about the floating fountain I usually pull out and hook to one of the return lines in mid-summer, just to cool the water down...
  6. J

    Initial results with TF-100 Kit - and weird TA results

    Ok guys - and gals. Got my TF-100 kit today. The kit I've been using was from Leslies, and used Taylor chemicals, but was just a DPD test, so I couldn't measure Chlorine above 5. Anyway, here are the results: FC 12.5 CC 1.0 TA 270 with TF-100, or 140 with Leslie's DPD test kit! CYA 60 CH 170...
  7. J

    Drain/Refill Decision

    Hi! I've discovered this website a week or two ago, and have spent a lot of time reading through Pool School, learning to use the Pool Calculator, and so on. Very good resource, especially since I no longer trust my local pool store. They've given me a lot of bad advice lately.... Anyway...