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  1. J

    Replaster Help

    Hello all. I have a 22 year old gunite pool that has two cracks and i think needs to be replastered. I live in the south east (Charlotte) and was wondering when is the best time to get the replastering, crack repair, and tile work done. Is there a time of year that's cheaper than another? Also...
  2. J

    Spillover Issue

    I just installed/upgraded to iAqualink3 and replaced my dead pump with a VSPF. I flipped the 3rd dipswitch on the Jandy board to enable spillover. The issue now is that my air blower now also turns on when the spillover is on. Any ideas on how I can correct this behavior?
  3. J

    VPF Install Question

    Hey all. I just bought a Pentair Intelliflo3 VSF to replace my Hayward Northstar. After removing the Northstar it appears that the intake line doesn't match up. That being the case should I just shim up the pump with a piece of pressure treated lumber, or cut the lines and lower them? I have...
  4. J

    TriStar VS and Jandy Automation

    I am about to purchase a Hayward TriStar VS model W3SP3206VSP. I currently have a older rev Jandy automation RS8 system. In doing my research of the install document here it appears that I can use the cleaner (not free on my system currently), and the solar actuator ports. My question is if I...
  5. J

    Running 2 Speed Pump in Low Speed

    I have a Jandy Aqualinks system that is connected to a two speed pump. When in normal mode the pump runs in high speed. When the spillover for the spa is running the pump runs in low speed. I would like to have my two speed pump default to running in low speed when it turns on since I don't need...
  6. J

    Replacing Motor

    I hoping someone can help. My pool motor starting making weird noises after the water got low and it started pulling air. Fast forward to 3 weeks later and now it has stopped working completely. It hums for 2 seconds then cuts out. I took tried to stick a screwdriver in the hole on the filter...
  7. J

    Hayward C4520LDH

    I'd like to replace the Hayward housing and filters with what I currently have. The housing is 20 years old and sun damaged and leaking. I just want to make sure I'm looking for the correct replacement parts. The housing is C4520LDH and then I'll need 4 filters that go along with that? Also is...
  8. J

    Replacement Heater

    Hello everyone. I recently purchased a house with a 25,000 gallon Pool with a Spa incorporated with the spillover feature. The heater that came with the pool was a Laars Jandy LT400N with 399,000BTU output. Its been broken for about 10 years. I was looking to replace it with the Hayward...
  9. J

    Hello TFP

    Hello everyone. Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I've learned a lot in the hour I've been on the site reading. Looking forward to learning more.