Search results

  1. johnmw1

    Digital Water Tester

    Hi, I have recently acquired a digital pool tester, mainly for the results for pH as I'm so colour-challenged, and also for salt readings. The tester also gives results for ORP, TDS, and temperature levels. While I know what my test reading results should be for a balanced pool using this...
  2. johnmw1

    Confused (again)

    Hi, These are my latest test results, and I'm worried (and confused) about my CC level and my CSI. My water is tested at my local pool shop using the "WaterlinkSpin Touch" I need to slam the pool but I'm having trouble (my maths) with how much chlorine I should be adding to achieve a decent CC...
  3. johnmw1

    Pool Math

    Hi, Just wondering what the different goal levels are between and Traditional Pool setup? Also, I have just taken my latest pool readings and am not sure what I should be trying to adjust first. I should also mention that I could not complete a couple of tests as my testers...
  4. johnmw1

    I have done something really STUPID I used a floc!

    As the title says, I have done something stupid, I used floc and now the cartridge filter is clogged. Let me start from the beginning...................... Having recently uncovered the pool for our summer I was shocked to find that the water was green. This has never happened before as the...
  5. johnmw1

    Does a Pool Cover Effect Water Readings?

    Hi, Just wondering what effect if any there is with me having the pool cover on most of the time in an effort to save on evaporation and also to help keep the solar pump from not running constantly? Bearing in mind also that I'm trying to raise my CYA levels at the moment and also lower PH...
  6. johnmw1

    Hi from Australia

    Hi there, Would like to know about pool testing kits and what are considered to be the best? Have recently moved into a new house which has a pool and being the newbie I am, seem to be running around in circles trying to get the pool up to scratch after recently uncovering it from our winter...