

Mar 30, 2024
Ok, I think I put too much Algaecide. I have a high level of chlorine in my pool and saw some algae popping up. I vacuumed the pool and got about 99 percent of the grime and dirt out of the pool. I vacuumed it on waste where it would not go into the filter. After I checked the pool for chlorine and ph which were out of whack. But then I took it upon myself to add the algaecide to the pool dropping the whole bottle in.

What can I do other than just letting it continue to run and wait or is that my best option just to let it be until Wednesday or so.
Welcome to TFP.

Show us pics of the bottle of algaecide you added and what the ingredients are.

Algaecides do not kill algae once it is in your pool. Algaecide may prevent algae formation in an algae free pool.

Things to read...

That adds ammonia to your water and will consume the chlorine quickly. You may test high CC for a bit.

How are you testing your pool water chemistry?

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Djames; get a proper test kit. TF-100, read and learn the Trouble Free Method and how to interpret the results. ...get out of the Pool Store, they are like a crack dealer...and with your newfound knowledge reject the Junk they want to sell you.

Please post your pool stats so we can see them. Equipment and water measurements. The TF 100 will test pH, Free Chlorine, Combined Chlorine, Stabilizer Level, Calcium, and Total Alkalinity. Post the numbers. Since you have a Salt Water CL Generator, get the SALT water test kit option too...important.

Sounds to me as if your CYA levels are too high...what has your primary source of CL been for the last few years....let me guess, the Pool Store has been feeding you a steady diet of Stabilized CL tabs for three years. I see this all the time when people are loading the pool with liquid or powder shock CL because they have algae... only to see the next day yellow or green again. This is a highly probable sign of too much CYA accumulated slowly over time using the Stabilized CL Tabs......and the algecide is wasted $$$. Actually, the ONLY time to use an Algecide is when closing a pool after SLAM (and only use polyquat). Too low CYA and the free chlorine evaporates in the sun, too high (your case as I expect) renders the free chlorine useless. How do I know this: It happened to me before I got on the TFP bandwagon.

Once you get on the TFP method, you'll be proud of the freedom and knowledge you have gained. And happy to say "Sianara" to the Pool Store folks.
If CYA is above 120, you can add a lot of CL and for sure the pool WILL turn green or yellow regardless. High CYA does render the CL useless. I have personally seen this...when I used to let the Pool Service Company provide my only means of free CL in the way of three-inch stabilized tabs. I was dumbfounded...but this was many many years ago. And I just helped a friend with exactly same issue last year (he is now a TFP dude).
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