Green surface with high CYA 90 and very high CH > 1200 (AZ)


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
Chandler, AZ
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Been busy lately and neglected the pool for last 10 days... Yesterday noticed water is still clear but the surface is slight green. So, assuming algae just started.

Test Results:
CYA - 90
PH - 8
FC - 0
TA - 90
CH - 1200

First thing I did after testing is to put two jugs of chlorine. That increased FC to 16. Should I start slamming the pool or replacing the water because of high CYA and very high CH? I am confused. Please help.
What is the CH of your fill water? It's likely high as well but it could help that to replace some water.

Do you have an SWG? If so, your CYA is not extremely high, especially for your region. High CH can be managed with careful pH and TA attention but at this point due to slightly high CYA and very high CH, I would suggest at least a 25% drain.

25% -> CYA to 65 ppm, CH to 900 + XXX ppm of fill water.
50% -> CYA to 45 ppm, CH to 600 + XXX ppm of fill water.

Lowering that CYA will make the SLAM easier and get you toward more manageable CH.
I'm in Gilbert too and my city water tests at about 250 CH most times. Since the high CH levels are a known battle we fight in this hot, dry area, I always try to do a full refill if I'm going to drain any significant amount. It's a nice fresh start and water is not that expensive here if you have a 13,000 gallon pool. I've heard pebble-tech is not as sensitive to drying out when you drain a pool but I don't take chances. I drain in the winter and/or keep the exposed walls and floor wet with a garden hose and a portable yard sprinkler while I'm draining and refilling.
I think I messed up something. 20170517_113021.jpg I started draining the pool with off on the skimmer side... I think that is how I drained it in the past... But, with this... after water level went below skimmer, I started seeing lot of air from the pipe below the skimmer... So, I turned this handle to opposite direction... so now the off is on the drain side... pump stopped and giving me this warning.


Do I have to prime it now? I think I am supposed to have off on Skimmer side. But, why was I seeing lot of air?
Pump started back on its own... so I think it primed... But, I still see lot of air coming below the skimmer... Did I miss a step in draining water? I turned off the water flow to pool, closed the skimmer by turning the handle like in above picture and opened the outlet to drain water20170517_120312.jpg

Any help is greatly appreciated... I am nervous I am putting too much of stress on pump because of air it is sucking through skimmer.
You need to figure out the proper valve position to only pull from the main drain. There could be a leak in the valve or the valve closure may be not properly centered inside the valve. Worst case scenario, you could plug the outlet in the bottom of the skimmer with a properly sized expandable plug to prevent the system from pulling from the skimmer at all. It depends on your specific skimmer but a plug like this (size should be close as well) will work.
Thank you JVTrain! I tried several valve positions... but, nothing seems to be helping. Must be a problem with the valve. I drained a couple of times before and never had this problem.
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