Recent content by jkarpins71

  1. J

    Spa SWG help

    From the dichlor-shock. Never had issues with CYA prior to this event.
  2. J

    Spa SWG help

    It is a Hotsprings FreshWater Salt System. 1700 should be correct. Checked multiple times with the TF Pro kit.
  3. J

    Spa SWG help

    Hey all, First post here! My spa specs are below: Hotsprings Flair 335 gallons FC - 15 CC - 0 TA - 70 CH - 200 CYA - 100 pH - 7.5 salt - 1700 ppm Temp - 99° So here is the scenario. I've used the TF pro kit for my SWG pool for a while and it works great. We just got the spa 2 months ago...