First time opening my pool


Active member
May 12, 2022
Downingtown Pennsylvania
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Truclear / Ei
I'm thinking of opening my pool myself this year. I have a pool company close it and I believe they use a "gizmo" in the skimmer end and blow the water out of the plumbing lines. Is opening as simple as removing the safety cover, pulling out the gizmo, and putting everything back like return fittings, filter cartridges, pressure gauge, skimmer basket and then starting up the pump?

If I'm missing anything or if there's a specific order I'd appreciate any feedback. First timer here. Thanks!
Is opening as simple as removing the safety cover, pulling out the gizmo, and putting everything back like return fittings, filter cartridges, pressure gauge, skimmer basket and then starting up the pump?
That's the majority of it. Checkout our opening page below though to ensure you have everything covered. If you have more questions let us know.

You want to make sure ALL plugged pipes are unplugged. Also, if you have Jandy Never Lube Valves, you may have to reinsert the handles partially and get them into the right position.

Also, you will have to close the drains on your pump and filters.

Check out the opening article above.
Ok, yeah forgot to mention drain caps for filter and pump.

Read the article in the link and it says to open the air pressure relief valve on my cartridge filter until water comes out but then says to turn on the pump with it closed. I don't think water will come out the valve without the pump running at the same time. I'm assuming they mean to run the pump with the relief valve open until water comes out to bleed the pipes and make sure no air is remaining. Am I misreading something here?

Other than that the article seems pretty straightforward to follow.
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