Frustrated w/ algae


New member
Sep 14, 2020
Shelbyville, KY
Here's our frustrating situation - HHEELLPP!
This situation has happened to us twice. We seem to be in a frustrating cycle that we can't break. Here's the story.
We shock our pool every Sunday with 2 one-pound bags of turbo shock. We clean the filter each week. Our automatic chlorinator holds 6 3-in 3in1 chlorine/algae tabs. We keep it filled and on 7-8. We also run our automatic cleaner 2-3 times a week.
3 weeks ago we did our normal routine and within 3 days the pool was green. We shocked the pool with 2 gallons of liquid chlorine, 2 1 lb bags of turbo shock, and 1 quart of algaecide. We also vacuumed the pool to remove all visible algae. We also removed the steps and bleached them. We ran the robot cleaner for good measure.
All seemed good. A week passes. We do our normal routine of adding 2 one-pound bags of turbo shock and cleaning the filter on Sunday as well as running the robot cleaner. By Thursday of that same week, the pool is green. On Friday, we AGAIN added 2 gallons of liquid chlorine and 2 1 lb bags of turbo shock. We cleaned the filter and ran the robot cleaner twice. The pool seemed ok on Saturday. On Sunday (yesterday), we did our weekly 2 1-lb bags of turbo shock, cleaned the filter, and ran the robot cleaner. TODAY THE POOL STARTED TURNING GREEN.
BTW - we have tested the chlorine levels with a Clorox brand 3-way test kit. Chlorine levels are 5 and ph is at 7.5. The pool pump runs on low from noon to 8 pm. During this frustrating time, we have been running the pump on high for 4 days 24/7.
We are so frustrated!!!
Hey JJ and Welcome !! End the cycle and stay out of the pool store. They have you *exactly* where they want you....... coming in week after week spending a small fortune and not getting results. Or ‘fixing’ it only to have the true problem lying there to return few weeks later.

Great news though, You found your way here. Step one is a reliable test kit. It’s a bit of an investment but it will still only cost you 1/3 of any of your pool store trips. Order a tf-100 from You will need not only trustable results but frequent tests until you get this beat.

read up on ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry. You will need toSLAM Process to rid the algae problem once and for all when your test kit arrives. We have oodles of helpers to walk you through the process until it all clicks.
With all of the trichlor tabs, it's likely your Cyanuric acid levels (CYA), or what the pool store calls Stabilizer, is so high you can't keep enough free chlorine in the pool to keep algae at bay. I looked up Turbo Shock, but can't seem to find anything which states the ingredients. If it contains stabilized chlorine, then that would be adding even more CYA to your pool.

You're most likely going to need to drain some water to lower the CYA level before starting the SLAM process. But only accurate test results will tell that.

Definitely start with the ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry like Newdude suggests, and then move on to the other Pool School videos and articles on this site. Educate yourself on the CYA/FC relationship, and then what you're experiencing will make complete sense.

Your story is very predictable to the folks here, and not surprising at all. The fix is pretty simple as well, but usually folks need to become educated before they'll accept the advice this forum will give.

Make no mistake though, the process outlined here at TFP will absolutely fix your issue, and better yet, if you continue to follow the process outlined here, you'll never have this problem again, AND it'll cost you a tenth to maintain your pool compared to what you're doing now (ie: 3-in-one pucks + weekly shock treatments, + whatever else the pool store is telling you that you need).

Welcome to TFP! You'll be so glad you found it when all of this is behind you :)
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Actually, your story is about the same as EVERYONE who ends up here, me included. I fought Mustard Algae for years. The problem was extremely high levels of CYA from using tablets. This year I finally, fully adopted the TFP methods and no algae.

Get a test kit. See what is really going on in the water. Listen to the good folks here. You will enjoy your pool more than you ever have. And they are NOT charging you for advice or tons of chemicals.
Welcome to TFP J.J. ! I am a new pool owner this year and felt inundated by the amount of information out there. I'm not a fan of hyberbole and am a natural born cynic. I research everything to the nth degree and then I do it again just to soak it in even more. All I can say is I've done my homework and checked plenty of sources and have come to this conclusion. The TFP methodology produces cost effective, excellent results. PERIOD. NO fluff or filler in that statement. Like you, I also had trichlor tablets in a feeder that my pool builder installed. Once I found TFP I realized I had a decision to make with my pool care. Trust my gut that a bunch of people who have no financial interest in selling me pool chemicals is right, or stick with the advice of my pool builder who owns 5 retail locations full of inventory he needs to sell and watch my CYA levels go through the roof.

I don't shock my pool, I don't use algaecide in my pool. A daily dose of liquid chlorine, regular testing with my own test kit, and a bit of acid now and then to control pH rise. My water is crystal clear and my pool chemistry is dialed in to near perfection. No fancy pool chemicals with magic crystals that promise miracles and cost a small fortune. No weekly shocking to attempt to correct an unsustainable plan provided by my pool company.

You've landed in a great spot with a group of knowledgeable people who are willing to help you. I have no doubt they will successfully help you in solving your current issue. Best of luck.
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what others have said already is spot on. But I wanted to add one thing.

The use of algaecide is either very bad or not needed. With a properly chlorinated pool you really dont need it. If you want to use it as a fail safe backup, then you can, but keep in mind the ONLY acceptable one to use is Polyquat 60. Do not use anything with copper in it. Copper Sulfate is the most common form, and while it is great at killing algae, the copper never leaves your water, and copper will cause staining, and blondes will have hair turn green from the copper. But keep in mind that Polyquat does not really fix an algae bloom, it works best at preventing the algae from getting going.

But more importantly, as others have said, stop teh use of tabs, get a proper test kit (buy the TF100 and if you can afford it add the stir bar option), and learn about the relationship of FC and CYA in pool school.
Hopefully they come back and study the responses above and take action. It’s the typical, sad situation we see over and over again, and so easily remedied.
Not knowing any better, what’s to say we are any more reliable than the pool store or the 100s of Facebook clubs for pools ? There is so much (mis)information we’ve even been called a cult at times for going against the grain. All we can do is wait and welcome anyone who chooses to stick around long enough to learn what we all did on our own schedules. Sadly, the easy way is often the wrong path, so it will fool people more often than not and OP will kick himself in hindsight just like most of us have.
I lurked for years and used the Pool Match webpage. I started the TFP process in Spring 2019. I overshot my CYA after a refill. Those STUPID tri-chlor tabs!!! And I went ANOTHER year fighting Mustard Algae. Because I "thought" the FC level suggested here was "way too high". The OP will be back.

I did another drain and refill this year and now have it dialed in. And in the end, decided to go salt water.

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