

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2016
My Pool contractor is charging $4480.00 for "Pool Related electrical" up to 60 feet from panel, is this a fair price? I am in the electrical industry and it seems very pricey, but then again I am not in the pool business and have no idea what I am getting until our next meeting.
Your thoughts on this?
What does this include? What is all being connected. It "may" electrical parts too? - i.e. pump, lights, swg. .., which would raise the price. Get a full list of what that includes and you could call another independent electrician for another quote.

My new pool electrical was $500, which installing a sub panel / breakers about 30' from main panel, wiring up pump, salt water generator, electric pool cover and led pool lights. My sub panel is pretty small and simple.
As Gary said, you need a itemized list to know whether that's a decent price or not. It also could include bonding which can get pretty in-depth, depending on the size and complexity of your install.

When you get the itemized list, don't just let them put 'pool equipment' on it. Make them list each and every piece of equipment. Get them to include model numbers if possible.
The other question is what is the total price of the pool and is the builder trying to increase it because of the electrical? I could imagine a PB inflating the price of electrical on the contract because they can finish that part of the build earlier in the process and get a larger early payment, if that is what is happening I would expect later items like decking or plaster to be below retail. The only small concern if they are doing that would be it could be an indication of a builder that is having funding issues and does not have the capital to cover costs ahead of time, that is where reputation and time in business can be important factors. As Dave said get an itemized list of the equipment if it contains all the things you expect and the overall price of the build is not being changed on you I would not get too concerned on how the builder is breaking down each line item.
...and the overall price of the build is not being changed on you I would not get too concerned on how the builder is breaking down each line item.

That was certainly my approach. Get apples to apples costs (or make adjustments to make them so) between proposals, then evaluate total costs. The line items values make no difference except to possibly highlight something that might or might not be included as evidenced by a price variance.

I just looked at my quotes. The electrical varied between the four from 'included in base price' to $5K.
Just an fyi, my electrical was $3,300. This included running a line from the main breaker panel inside the home to the other side of the house where the pool pad is (about 80' in an unfinished basement). Sub panel with 2 intermatic timers and an outlet at the subpanel. Also connecting the 2 led lights and placing an outlet within 20 feet of the pool. These had to be run in conduit but the trench was already dug. All bonding was also included in this price. Your area may vary but this will give you an idea what the electrical person stated they would do for the $3,300. They supplied all the material (conduit, copper wire, timers, panel, wires, etc.) The led lights themselves were NOT included. Everything should be itemized. If electrical is "included" make the builder write in the K exactly what that means. Is it just connecting and they try to charge you for the timers, sub panel, outlets, wire (copper gets expensive)? Verbal clarification is fine when getting quotes but if you decide to go with someone make sure they present an updated contract with details before you sign on with them. Not that they will intentionally change things but there are 3 sides to every story.
Maybe it's a Texas thing but all my electrical was included. They did it yesterday and had to actually dig a trench from one side of the home all the way to the other side where the pool equipment is from my breaker box. I would say that entire run is roughly 270' , the guys were working their tail off. Now I did have them add an intermatic 300w transformer and an Intermatic photocell as well as put an outlet in my patio eve and one more covered outlet on the side of the house. I bought the transformer and the photocell, but they did everything else, that cost me an additional $200 which I thought was pretty good.

I am shocked reading all these pool builds where electrical isn't included.

It is included if you look at the number at the bottom! That's where I recommend focusing.

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