Winter Chlorine Dosing


Jul 21, 2018
Richmond, TX
Well hello again. I have a question about dosing LC in the winter for a pool that remains open (50-60 degrees typically.) As cooler weather started in November, I was still testing daily, and found that I needed just under a quart a day to keep my pool at 8 FC. When the weather is cold and the water is cold and I can't get in my pool, I get grumpy going out and feeding LC on a daily basis. Last night I just dumped a gallon of LC in the pool. I plan to check on it in a few days and see where I am. Does anyone have any advice on how they handle wintertime dosing? Do I really need to dose daily or can I just dump a jug once every 4-5 days (given my chlorine demand based on the last few months of testing.)
I typically only add once a week. So yes, you can stretch out your LC adds. You should not be losing much more than 0.5 to 1 ppm FC each day.
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Even in FL I only dose about every 3 or so days once the water gets below 60.

The thing to watch for is in the Spring when things start to warm up. This is the time I get any algae.......not paying attention to the water temps=some cloudy water=the beginning of an algae outbreak=SLAM and go back to daily FC watching.

I was adding 1-2 quarts a week till leaf season. I clean my strainers twice a day and the bag on my pool cleaner twice a day. I went from 7 Chlorine with 0 CC to 2 chlorine and .5 CC in 48 hours. The high winds are blowing dust and debris in constantly. So I guess for me it’s back to daily testing.

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Otis, I'm in GA too. Put a cover and a leaf net on that puppy and you won't have to worry about dust and debris. I covered my pool and the FC only drops 2 ppm during the week. I bring it back up on Saturday and no algae (so far, knock wood).
I would but my wife really enjoys the water features and the beauty of the pool. I knew going in a few months in Fall and then pollen season would be rough. If we can get through this cycle of tropical depressions and high winds it will hopefully get back to normal. I was just shocked at the chlorine consumption by leaves lol. I clean it daily and do not let anything sit in the pool, but man it will burn up some chlorine.
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