New Router and Can't Connect Screenlogic

Are you kidding me!!!! Holy cow! I did get some yelling and screaming and "I just lost my COD game," BUT...that worked!!! Changed router IP to 192.168.1. and the router UI asked if I wanted to automatically change the range as well. I said, "sure!" And lo and behold, as soon as I did that and everything rebooted and reset, the router recognized the PA and now the transmitter is talking to the outside transmitter and I can see the PA on the Screenlogic software! Unbelievable! Y'all rock!
I've researched and researched and this is the first I've seen of ensuring the router is still on (or at least the original IP).
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More than likely the PA has a static IP set on it which is why it didn't show up before. Glad you got it figured out. Not sure what happens if you click on the configure IP info button. You may be able to change it to dynamic instead of static so you don't run into this issue again in the future if you decide to upgrade routers again.
This post helped me alot : You are spot on Sir :
You have to set your new router to use the same DHCP range as the previous router and then it will work : So if you previous router was to 254 then manually set it to that, if your previous router was set to to then set it to that and it will work. Pentair Protocol Adapter remembers the old IP and its somehow hard coded in the bloody unit. Once you get connected you can then reset it back to the new routers DHCP range by clicking on "Configure IP Info" on the Screen Logic PC app. Aslo, this guy has detailed out another process to do this : Pentair ScreenLogic Protocol Adapter Issues

I must say for paying over $1000 to update the unit 2 years back this is pretty poor programming from Pentair Techs. I installed the new Eero 6 Plus Amazon Router and it comes out of the box w/ DHCP set to 192.168.4.x and not 192.168.50.x as in my old Asus Router. It took me a good 3-4 hrs to figure this one out. ITs working now but what a waste of time !

Hope this helps more people.
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