Low pressure after changing filters


Aug 5, 2018
Fort Worth, TX
I recently changed my filter cartridges out and immediately noticed lower pressure at the filter. The pressures used to read about 10psi when “clean” and creep up from there. I was overdue to replace these so thought maybe the 5psi reading after competing the job would be my new “clean” psi.

I quickly noticed that my spillways from the spa were not flowing like usual so I believe there is a flow problem. Pressure has also been between 0 and 5 ever since the change. At first I thought I had clogs in my drains or skimmers, but they are clear and the after flow is pretty good.

Strangely, when I manually switch my returns to spa only, pressure builds to about 10psi in the filter and the pump sounds like it is operating normally.

That made me think maybe I have a clog in my returns. But, if I keep the pool returns on and switch my intake to spa only, the pressure builds in the filter and the pump stops straining as well.

Any ideas?
Low pressure like that typically means a suction side air leak. I assume the pump you show in your signature is a Variable Speed pump? Can you indicate that if so?

Check your pump strainer basket lid gasket. Are you seeing any air in the returns or build up in the filter?
That looks like a major code violation to access the main breaker panel. Does Tarrant County have pool/electrical inspections where you live? Your equipment pad should have been about 3-5 ft to the right.

When you changed the cartridges, did you bleed out the air in the filter? Also, I would make sure that the large filter o-ring was properly pre-greased w silicone, and that the nut on the filter band has been checked and retightened to about 50-55psi. or to what the manual states.
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